Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adv] [pron] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 so I said erm cos I 've been in so I says to her cos you want some fags
2 Or was that just based on you being there whenever you had to be there .
4 Oh ca that 's only where they had to be you put the wee rubber mouthpiece in you see to keep your mouth open so that 's easy to open your mouth , sometimes people clamp their mouths closed and then they ca n't get their teeth out .
5 Or again , for the ruling class or race against which such a movement rebels , as long as its authority is secure there are very strong practical advantages in thinking of its subjects as incapable of governing themselves , happy and carefree in their poverty , innately inferior in intelligence , out of work only if lazy , loyal and grateful for all one has done for them unless misled by irresponsible agitators ; it is only when they start to be dangerously restive that it becomes practically useful to understand their motives and capacities better .
6 It is only when we put to it the rude experimental question " where are you ? " that it is forced to make the sharp choice between those two possibilities .
7 You know , it is only when he came to that final page that he realized where the theme came from , so absorbed was he in the process of composition .
8 ‘ Well , it 's funny , but that 's exactly how it seemed to me . ’
9 However that is not how they appear to the characters , or to the reader whose attention has lapsed ( as whose does not ? ) .
10 That is not how it seemed to people in Ajdabiya or Kufra .
11 But this is not how it seemed to Richard .
12 ‘ I have no particular objection to the name John but I never use it and it is not how I like to be known .
13 " You say you 're up against a brick wall — well , that 's just where we got to in the Southwark Bridge case .
14 ‘ It 's not right her having to be cooped up in here with me .
15 No , it 's referred to and Aeneid but it 's not actually what happened to the city .
16 And the university provided them , greatly goosed on , I might say , by the then Vice Chancellor Aisa Briggs , who was very excited by the project , and that 's really how I came to be connected with the university .
17 That is n't how it seems to Martin Dyer 's family .
18 Apart from demonstrating one of the unwavering laws of British journalism , that nothing sells newspapers like royalty , and nothing makes a better editorial column than declamations of simple patriotism , the curious thing about these assaults is how much they belong to a period .
19 ‘ Which is precisely why we hope to … ’
20 Money is tight so we need to be quite clear on I mean for instance I mean the seats have been recovered you know people smoking in the seats when they should n't be smoking and putting they 're putting their cigarette 's out on the floor I do n't know
21 That 's certainly how it appears to me .
22 It was only when everyone rose to their feet , shook hands and made a beeline for the cooking tent — where , it emerged , Balvinder Singh had been for the last half-hour — that I realized that the ceremony was over .
23 It was only when I swung to the left and broke free for a moment that I was able to observe that he was wearing my dad 's grey towelling dressing-gown .
24 It was only when it began to be associated exclusively with women that gossip began its slippery slide into the gutter .
25 It was only when she went to America , headlining for the first time , that she came across the curious racial classification with which music there is compartmentalised .
26 It was only when she went to supper that she found the reason why .
27 It was only when he came to 1936 that Damiani 's face grew suddenly cold and his hands , until now resting quietly on his knees , began to move in agitation .
28 It was only when he turned to the more immediate problem of finding a way through the waste of mud that Zen noticed the figure lying slumped against the wall .
29 But , with the Government in turmoil and the crisis over the arms sales to Iraq adding to its troubles , it was n't difficult to see that Mr Lawrence was exactly where he wanted to be .
30 All the while she had been talking , she had been moving little by little to one side , her movements casual , and when she was exactly where she wanted to be she reached out and grasped , lifted , and swiftly jabbed the pitchfork that had been standing in the corner of the stall .
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