Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 The bottom line for liability is that you are only legally committed to an agreement made by an agent when :
2 Each of the words in the sentence will be recognised , but they are not easily integrated into an underlying meaning .
3 Some similarities can be misleading , because animals can superficially resemble one another that are not closely related in an evolutionary sense .
4 Crew arriving by air to join a yacht are not normally asked for an onward ticket : however , nationals who need visas for Spain should have a letter from the owner of the yacht stating that the crew is joining the yacht at Las Palmas .
5 This has many elements in common with ( b ) , in its emphasis on a whole social order , but it differs from it in its insistence that ‘ cultural practice ’ and ‘ cultural production ’ ( its most recognizable terms ) are not simply derived from an otherwise constituted social order but are themselves major elements in its constitution .
6 However we are not simply waiting for an upturn in the world economy .
7 We are not just talking about an environmental nuisance here — we 're talking about a real threat to life .
8 To continue the analogy however , one danger of a cuckoo in a nest is that before flying it may permanently displace other promising chicks which could be particularly concerned with processes ( chapter 5 ) and man ( 6 ) and such themes are not readily accommodated in an earth science , geoscience or environmental science structure .
9 The framework in which political scientists usually consider these aspects of politics , employing the notions of ‘ political culture ’ and ‘ political socialization ’ , is too narrow to encompass all the relevant phenomena , and it is more fruitful , I think , to start from the conception of ‘ cultural reproduction ’ ( Bourdieu and Passeron , 1977 ) , which has the great merit of emphasizing that the ideas and values shaping political action are not necessarily expressed in an overtly political form , and of relating such ideas and values to the whole social structure .
10 Tracer substances such as radioactive xenon are more rapidly removed from an inflamed joint — their half-life in the joint inversely correlating with the degree of inflammation — and so attempts to blame poor blood supply for the nutritional deficit are probably misconceived .
11 Animals that look similar are classified together , and not only that , they are also closely related in an evolutionary sense ( or put another way , they share a common ancestor ) .
12 They are also much valued as an additional source of interest in the water garden , adding colour and life to the pool and providing entertainment for old and young alike .
13 This can be most easily achieved by an observer who is present while the recording is being made and who can make a full transcription within a few hours .
14 You could n't be more ideally placed for an action-packed holiday this Summer than in the smart and lively Copacabana hotel .
15 Why is it that , in Greenock and Port Glasgow , genuine claims for disability benefit in respect of vibration white finger are almost always forced to an appeal ?
16 If you have been told to aim for a very precise figure , or have been following conventional height-to-weight charts , then you are almost definitely trying for an unrealistic weight .
17 While the IVIS discs had only loosely defined objectives and were rather vaguely intended as an underlying educational resource , IVIFE discs had very clear objectives .
18 Meanwhile , one odd coincidence must be noted : the ‘ banana-shaped object and characteristic illuminated sign ’ were apparently similarly described by an American journal , Saga .
19 Howard would surely have approved of all that , but as so often in penal reform , the very advance of which the reformers were so proud led to an ironic and unforeseen development .
20 Over the 1960s wearers of the old school tie probably became less evident in the boardroom and the higher reaches of management , but they were not generally replaced by an elite drawn from the new cadres of higher education .
21 When the message arrived , Thucydides says , the Athenians ‘ were just then engaged in an expedition against Cyprus with two hundred ships of their own and of their allies ’ .
22 They were n't really meant as an insult .
23 The specimens were then progressively dehydrated in an ascending ethanol series , infiltrated with epon , sectioned at 1 µm in an OMU-3 ultramicrotome , and stained with toluidine blue for morphometric analysis in the computer .
24 These aspects were however briefly treated in an earlier review by Teichmüller and Teichmüller ( 1981 ) which discussed the relative depth — maturity relationships for four Carboniferous coal basins in northwest Germany and the effect of intrusive heating on vitrinite profiles over the Bramische Massif .
25 Perhaps it is because in isolation human beings achieve their true status ; they are no longer tied to an economic process which dominates their existence .
26 NOT is most commonly used in an IF …
27 Schibsbye ( 1965 : 24 ) suggests on the other hand that " the infinitive with and without to corresponds in the main to the two sides of the infinitive , the nominal and the verbal " : the infinitive with to is found in positions similar to those in which one finds substantives , adjectives and adverbs , while the infinitive without to " is generally closely connected with an auxiliary verb , and forms a single unit with it as regards stress and intonation " .
28 The MATIF 's eurodeutschmark future trades at much lower volume , and is presumably less liquid , than LIFFE 's equivalent product , even though the latter is not yet supported by an option .
29 In the reader example , the fact that the person is female may be of such insignificance that it is not even included as an attribute .
30 In the circumstances , the County Council has sought to provide district councils with as much flexibility as possible in allocating sufficient land and to ensure that local plan preparation is not unduly constrained by an unrealistically low .
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