Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] he have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Her eyes were sparkling and her legs bustling when he had staggered into the incident room an hour late at nine o'clock : he had been so tired he had slept through the high-pitched beep of his alarm clock .
2 When she had been about five he had come to stay , returning from Hong Kong and , like other wise men from the east , he came bearing gifts .
3 As he ran upstairs she wondered why she should be so pleased he had come , he would only want to dredge up information to help in the murder case .
4 I 'm so glad he has got preferment .
5 What bothers me is that I 'm not convinced he has done enough .
6 Yes I 'm not sure he 's gone on the double yellow lines , but still
7 And when things have turned up and they 've not been quite right he 's known
8 But friends were not surprised he had slipped away with the physio , who has practices in Sydney and London .
9 Jacques 's scores , itemized with the library books , were clearly those he had inherited from his father ( document 9 ) .
10 The methods that he employed in September and October 1962 — the referendum combined with a personal appeal to popular confidence and official manipulation of the mass media — were essentially those he had employed throughout the early years of the Fifth Republic .
11 He were that nosey he 's nicked all pens , everything .
12 Born in Bangkok and based in Bradford , the fifth favourite for the £850,000 event which begins in Sheffield tomorrow , Wattana is acutely aware he has divided his recent years between ‘ two ends of the earth ’ .
13 Ulster Unionist councillor Jim Rodgers says the situation is so serious he has contacted the airport to see what can be done .
14 ‘ But he 's so brave he has made a wonderful comeback .
15 But he is leaking another message that he is not confident he has succeeded .
16 Poor old Haverford , it 's really all he 's got left . ’
17 I think the critical point is how much he has lost in pace and whether those other attributes are in decline .
18 There was so much he had learnt , so many facts , so many happenings .
19 This was so successful he has done it every year since , but with a different group of children .
20 Because the room was so cold he had pulled on his bomber jacket over his father 's shirt .
21 It was more probable he had returned than that someone else had come .
22 His representative told a London tribunal it was now clear he had consented to medical retirement .
23 He was immediately sorry he 'd said that .
24 When he reached the corner of the Whitechapel Road he was n't sure he had come to the right place .
25 Jake turned and looked urgently at his son ; but Adam 's gaze had fallen back to Undry , and Ruth was n't sure he 'd heard .
26 He was n't sure he 'd heard that right .
27 He was almost sure he had heard another whistle , in a low key , somewhere ahead of him .
28 He was almost sure he had left his car outside the pub , but what pub ?
29 He was pretty sure he had come to the right restaurant .
30 Asked by Ruth Anderson , for the uncle , if she was absolutely sure he had done bad things to her twice , the girl replied : ‘ I ca n't remember because I was only little . ’
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