Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] that if a " in BNC.

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1 The difficulty of winning a championship , the strain and gamble it involves , are so great that if a driver does not carry through to the following year sufficient momentum and he does not have the same advantage — of car , team , etc. — that he had the previous year , the results are often disappointing .
2 The length of the transition curve depends upon the total change of radius , the velocity of the engine and the permitted superelevation , bearing in mind that the cant must not be so great that if an engine is halted it will topple over .
3 Since all babies inherit their mother 's antibodies , it is only logical that if a mother has positive antibodies to HIV , then her baby will be born with them too .
4 They are highly social , congregating in groups as large as 500 , and the bonding between members of the herd is so strong that if a pilot or lead whale beaches itself , the rest of the herd will often follow , creating a mass stranding .
5 It can , however , no longer be assumed that that is so , and in any case it is not clear that if a clergyman wishes to stand and electors wish him to represent them the mere fact that the churches do not like the idea has anything to do with matter .
6 Hilary Patrick , the association 's legal adviser , is particularly concerned that if an application is made to section someone with mental health problems they may not be able to afford representation .
7 However , it is quite clear that if an employee gives notice in accordance with the contract he is by so doing affirming the existence of the contract and not accepting any perceived repudiation by the employer : see Normalec Ltd v Britton [ 1983 ] FSR 318 .
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