Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [verb] up by the " in BNC.

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1 Activists are illegally dismissed , strikes are forcibly broken up by the army or police and many unionists have been killed .
2 Even Dmitri 's sorrow had been mostly used up by the fading of his father 's life , remorselessly , year by year .
3 It was not that I eventually doubted that the Almighty responded to faith , but that because I had been so bound up by the desert , so full of self-interest , so neglectful of the God I was supposed to serve , that I could not have expected any co-operation from him .
4 Xenophon 's teachings are best summed up by the following statements :
5 It is of course true that the NHS is under tremendous pressures while places at NCT classes are largely taken up by the motivated .
6 What if the employers ' job offers are not taken up by the students ?
7 These slow waves pervade the head to the extent that they are also picked up by the EOG electrodes , just as K complexes are .
8 Somehow we survived it all , just as I have survived 20 years of a lead-piped water supply and a further 20 years as an adult working in a concrete hut insulated on the inside with sprayed-on asbestos ; to say nothing of a like period supervising students using the Haldane gas analysis apparatus , a machine that not infrequently spewed mercury from its taps into the air , whence it fell onto the bench , or sometimes the floor , to be duly swept up by the lab boy at the end of the session for recovery .
9 The various whirrings and whinings which may be emitted by the camcorder itself , not to mention any noises which you make while operating the controls , are liable to be faithfully picked up by the on-board microphone .
10 Their calls are immediately taken up by the whole team and the spectators on the ground so that the forest rings with wild and terrifying shrieks .
11 Then a Leed rang up saying that he was there and that the particular aviatical chant in question had been initially struck up by the away end , and only joined in by a shameful minority ( ahem ) of Leeds fans .
12 Unprecedented anti-government street demonstrations in Tirana on July 1 were brutally broken up by the security forces , and the next day four Albanians fled to the West German embassy , to be joined by 3,200 others in the course of the following week .
13 Smith , managed to scramble out and were soon picked up by the destroyer ‘ Foresight ’ .
14 Their weapons were promptly snatched up by the Secte Rouge , who added their own shooting to the confusion .
15 The interacting actors of ( i ) a newly effective market among the young , of ( ii ) some culturally effective initiatives by the young , of which many were quickly taken up by the market , of ( iii ) a more general unwillingness by the market , in conditions of high competition , to observe the limits and pressures of established cultural reproduction , and yet ( iv ) the alarm of state and other established institutions at the sources and consequences of such cultural production , have combined to produce a situation of quite remarkable asymmetry .
16 Demonstrations were also broken up by the police in Annaba , Constantine , Bordj Bou-Arreridj and Chlef .
17 His allegations against Mr Reid were later backed up by the villa 's then deputy charge nurse , Karen Spinner .
18 Only a few rural areas , isolated by bad roads and non-existent railways , remained relatively untouched , but even these , by virtue of their isolation , were often gobbled up by the equally voracious demand for holiday homes and weekend cottages .
19 Some were immediately picked up by the demons , whilst others managed again and again to risk their lives before falling to the persistent attacks of the creatures from hell .
20 ‘ I tried to put the same sentiment into that landscape as I put into the figure : the convulsive , passionate clinging to the earth , and yet being half torn up by the storm . ’
21 A crash-landing on the surface of the sea was carried out , during which the one unwounded member of the crew was injured , but all were safely picked up by the destroyer ‘ Camicia Nere ’ .
22 The material being drilled is effectively broken up by the drill bit , and the rotary action of the drill bit is primarily to remove debris from the hole .
23 This principle of inclusive fitness is perhaps summed up by the answer reportedly given by the distinguished biologist J. B. S. Haldane when asked in a bar whether he would lay down his life for his brother .
24 Marx found the answer to this problem in his belief that , in the Asiatic system , the community is not broken up by the growth of private property and internal differentiation , as happens in classical city states or in feudalism , because the integrity of the community is maintained centrally by the State itself .
25 Unfortunately , the level of interest is not backed up by the right level of knowledge either from prospective users or from many of the suppliers .
26 At the provincial level there are Land Use Planning Officers , although their time is largely taken up by the supervision of settlement schemes and in planning state farms ( Stocking 1981b ) .
27 Skilled craft workers frequently establish their own methods and pace of work , and this control by the occupational group is usually backed up by the craft union .
28 The most satisfactory extrinsic marker is [ 3H ] thymidine which , due to the rapid cell cycle of early post-implantation embryonic cells , is quickly taken up by the vast majority of cells and appears not to be deleterious to development ( 25 ) .
29 This is often picked up by the programmers , who then make the system more secure . ’
30 This belief is firmly backed up by the experience of the West German government when in 1965 it attempted to bring criminal charges against nine Chemie Grunenthal executives who were indicted for causing bodily harm and involuntary manslaughter in connection with the drug thalidomide .
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