Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] [conj] they [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Cutter-bar and rotary mowers are rather unsuitable because they leave the swathe lying in the direction of cut with heads and butts mixed ; it is then difficult to pick up , sort , and bind the sheaves .
2 Disraeli Gears from Tesside are rather different as they look to the energy and rawness of the Sixties rather the dull produced stomp of Nineties ' heavy rock/ metal .
3 They have been most successful when they have been able to win the trust and acceptance of the other management board members .
4 Most of these are presumably extragalactic but they include the pulsar PSR1706–44 , although this was not recognized at the time .
5 Surplus component boards etc. are most useful if they contain expensive semiconductors , and are probably something that are best left to those who have a few years experience of electronics behind them .
6 They are most malicious when they prey on liars , murderers and thieves , for they hate to see injustice .
7 In the wild the newly hatched chicks are most vulnerable when they emerge exhausted by their struggles to dig their way out of the sand .
8 These musical phrases give continuity to the action and are most valuable because they help both performers and audience to understand how moments in the story or theme affect the players .
9 Also , the tempi in the original Bruckner scores are much simpler than they come to be in some editions .
10 The latter are especially interesting since they constitute the outer ring of the EEC and also because they have considerably higher standards of living than do the EEC Member States .
11 So fam , so family values are terribly important and they begin in the home where they best taught , in the first place by the mother , but obviously by the family .
12 Both the terms and the meaning of that question are less simple than they seem .
13 They are less fit than they need to be if they are to become international juniors .
14 Notice , however , that the conditions which cause the loop to terminate are less clear since they do not appear together .
15 It turns out that the theoretical ‘ shifting ’ effects are less important than they seem in theory .
16 Detachments are extremely useful because they enable you to field a small unit without the high cost of providing a hero to boost its leadership value .
17 Actually , what you 'll find is that working mothers are extremely efficient because they have to be . ’
18 The blocks are produced because andesite lavas are so viscous that they flow as plastic , rather than liquid , materials and consist of an outer chilled surface of solid rock with a steady progression towards increasing plasticity in the hotter , central parts of the flow .
19 Brooding busts by Frink are so powerful that they dominate the largest room in the exhibition .
20 We males naturally reject the idea that we 're not at all times ready to cream anything that moves as a monstrous slander on our virility , while women certainly do n't want to think that creatures whose sexual urges are so undiscriminating that they have been known to rape grannies and animals and even corpses , for God 's sake , could possibly find them so unattractive that they need to simulate orgasm .
21 Though such rumours can not be proved , they are so endemic that they suggest something of the sort has been occurring .
22 My own opinion is that the salaries of judges are so low that they do not attract the best brains .
23 In the middle there is a little pond with a fountain , and the golden carp that swim in it are so tame that they come at the sound of Dennis 's voice .
24 Those lost souls are so impoverished that they shave their heads in order that they may rub alcohol into them .
25 FEW PLACES have such a gentle and equable climate that animals living there never need seek shelter ; and few animals are so well-armed that they do not welcome somewhere to hide from their enemies or a safe nursery for their young .
26 The simplest explanation for the persistence of the displacement model is that problems arising from pupils ' behaviour are so stressful that they provoke an expedient response .
27 The pollutions which escape the field officer 's shroud of privacy are those which are so noticeable that they attract widespread public attention , or those where a complainant is of such status that he may enjoy direct contact with senior staff .
28 But the quantities of lead and nitrates which the EC is making a fuss about are so small that they represent a negligible — perhaps even a non-existent — hazard to health .
29 These are so overwhelming that they stop adults going on to do the courses they applied for or enquired about .
30 There are paints which are so liquid that they resemble inks , paints of a more creamy consistency and also free-flowing acrylics in tubes .
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