Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [verb] [that] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I am not saying that people who are directly subjected to racism are inevitably attracted to one-dimensional argument or that those who are not necessarily take a more sophisticated view .
2 The police have praised Parveen for her courage , but they 're not recommending that women who find themselves in similar situations react in the same way .
3 In the inquiries into the deaths of children like Maria Colwell , Jasmine Beckford and Kimberley Carlile ( DHSS , 1982 ; Blom-Cooper , 1986 , 1987 ) the observation has been repeatedly made that children who were known to be ‘ at risk ’ were failed by those given the statutory duty to protect them , because of poor communication , mistakes about knowing who was ( or was not ) responsible for undertaking particular tasks , and , it has to be admitted , professional rivalries and jealousies .
4 It is widely conjectured that Stalin himself planned the murder of Kirov .
5 It 's already known that women who take the contraceptive pill are much less likely to develop it .
6 This is not to say that acts which we , or the Buid , would interpret as aggressive never occur , but that such acts are viewed as deviations from the ideals of Buid political culture .
7 To decorate a dish of smoked salmon , so beautiful in itself , with lettuce leaves , or to strew it with tufts of cress , is not to make that salmon which has cost 38s. a pound look as if it cost £3 , but to belittle it so that you begin to feel it is some bargain basement left-over which needs to be disguised .
8 It is now recognized that people who have been on weight-reducing diets subsequently have a lower calorie requirement than they previously had .
9 It is often assumed that Wordsworth himself was responsible for the fame of the area as a holiday centre , but this is only partly true .
10 It is often found that women who , for whatever reason , are not able to participate actively in giving birth , experience difficulty in relating to their babies later on .
11 And it is well known that children who have been read to in their preschool years have a general advantage when the learning of reading begins .
12 Indeed it is well known that societies which were very poor , by all later standards , allotted very significant time , energy and resources to the production of what would now be distinguished as art-objects .
13 With regard to access to Art as a subject in the school curriculum , the Head of Department pointed out that he and his colleagues made special provision for some pupils , asking it if was generally known that pupils who opted not to do Art ( i.e. whose option choices precluded Art ) could still do it after school as an additional subject and that we do get some of them through ( verified note of meeting ) .
14 Kahnweiler throughout his life was to maintain that the painting was unfinished , and on occasion was even to assert that Picasso himself saw it in this way .
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