Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [verb] [prep] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 This ensures that students and staff are well looked after at all times , and staff are well looked after at all times , and they can continue to work and live in an attractive and secure environment .
2 This ensures that students and staff are well looked after at all times , and staff are well looked after at all times , and they can continue to work and live in an attractive and secure environment .
3 significantly every hour that they do on that is gon na be signific is , is not budgeted for cos you 've got fourteen people there who were n't budgeted for at all .
4 They were n't hurt or threatened verbally — in fact , apart from the message she was given they were n't spoken to at all .
5 He told of his own difficulties in finding time to read all the variable essays submitted and knew of many that were never sent in at all .
6 The line of the body is not impinged upon at all at this point and everything is very neat and tidy .
7 This condition is mostly dealt with in the community , which often means that it is not dealt with at all .
8 I mean , wages , benefits from the welfare state — the cost of reproducing labour power , which is really what the wages for housework argument turns on , this cost is covered in a variety of ways — not adequately , that 's true and working class women are most vulnerable , but I do n't think we can say simply that housework , childcare is given free , is not paid for at all .
9 Fourthly , that the matter was not adverted to at all .
10 Following her enquiries in South Ronaldsay , she said it was clear that the law was not complied with at all times , and that grave irregularities had occurred .
11 Although I have read only a summary of the one-day debate and not the full text of all the speeches , I believe that my impression is correct that the British hesitation over the two key areas was hardly referred to at all .
12 As for the financial crisis they had gone through , of which she suspected Greg was the root cause , that was never spoken of at all .
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