Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [verb] [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Neither of these two methods , both of which are widely implemented on almost every computer architecture , addresses the third artform , technical illustration .
2 In the case of Elvis , this problem is particularly striking because within the rock discourse he has been widely seen as both the music 's first hero and its most prominent backslider .
3 They have been widely used for over a hundred and fifty years .
4 By a notice of appeal dated 1 July 1992 M. appealed on the ground that at no time had he been personally served with either the committal order or a copy and that accordingly the order should be set aside .
5 Unfortunately , these encouraging results have not been substantiated in prospective studies of special forms of treatment , although it is worth noting that no proper , prospective controlled study in which patients have been randomly assigned to either a treatment or a no-treatment group has been carried out .
6 Bramble was forty-five and had not been thus addressed for almost a quarter of a century .
7 They have very little root , thus being referred to as floating teeth , and are easily removed by either the horse dentist or vet .
8 It may turn out that the somatosensory and visual systems are not organized in exactly the same ways .
9 Such right-context effects ( Thompson 84 ) are not limited to just the initial portion of the utterance .
10 Unsecured loan stocks are corporate bonds that are not secured by either a fixed or a floating charge .
11 So you 're not standing in quite the right place .
12 ‘ Demand has been increasing steadily since November and we 're now dealing with twice the number of applications compared to the same time last year .
13 Champions are always equipped in exactly the same way as the rest of the unit , except that they are permitted one magic item in addition .
14 This experiment hypothesises that this is indeed the case and that also males are more lateralised in both the left and right visual fields , and accordingly the right and left cerebral hemispheres respectively , than women .
15 Many general practitioners , however , continue to offer low levels of supervision , and diabetic miniclinics are still offered in only a minority of practices .
16 This huge swing has been partly assisted by exactly the factors that are slowing house buying : a flight into deposit-based saving after the 1987 crash and fear of unemployment during the recession .
17 They are also listed in exactly the same way as other buildings of special historic or architectural interest .
18 The Department of Education has already been severely criticised by both the Audit Office and the Parliamentary Accounts Committee over the overall system which is more than £4,5m over the original estimated budget .
19 Sport and recreation are an integral part of the experience of being at University , and lasting friendships are often made within both the social and sporting contexts .
20 Depending on the nature of the rock units involved , structures may be better expressed in either the gravity or the magnetic data .
21 So I am pleading that the panel really take a great deal of effort in this leaflet so that it is going to be easily understood by even the people who are less well educated than some of us .
22 It can be easily executed from either the leading foot or the back foot , but a roundhouse kick delivered from the rear leg is the more powerful , it has more time to gather speed .
23 For example , the type of parrot beak that cracks Brazil nuts admirably would , on Diatryma , be wildly oversized for even the most enormous nuts .
24 Bukharin thus posed the problem facing the Bolsheviks in its starkest form , a problem that was to be hotly debated for nearly a decade to come .
25 It is doubtful that the BCG matrix is very useful for total portfolio management in many multi-business groups , because , even if the group is involved in SBUs whose business is dominated by the experience-curve effect , it is likely that some of its SBUs will not be and hence that they can not be reliably analysed within just the BCG context .
26 They can be expressed formally in several ways , making use of the resources and notations of different logical systems , but are perspicuously expressed in just the forms we have .
27 The Marine Mammals Protection Act was passed in New Zealand in 1978 , and reflected a growing public awareness of the need to provide for the conservation of the country 's marine mammals , which had been ruthlessly slaughtered during both the nineteenth and twentieth centuries .
28 The aims and objectives of Britain 's National Parks , together with the rights and responsibilities vested in National Park Authorities , have been fully described by both the Countryside Commission and the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority , and so need not be repeated here .
29 They are then chased by both the helicopter and small high-speed boats which are also carried on board the seiner .
30 This study has shown that when phonemes are selectively encoded as broad classes ( the mixed sets ) or entirely encoded as mid-classes , utterances are sometimes parsed into over a million word-strings .
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