Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [verb] [pron] i [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm quite forgetting what I wanted to ask you . ’
2 I hope we were n't discussing what I thought we were discussing on that
3 Let , I said well the best thing ju to do erm er Pam I said is just to ignore them I said and ignoring them makes it you know ?
4 I was only doing what I thought was best for the hotel .
5 He was only saying what I felt .
6 If there 's a positive relationship okay I d I mean that was just recapping something I said before so if you got it you 've probably got it down twice now Okay , if you knew that there was a positive relationship between two variables and we said that their score on one of the variables was high then we would expect , although not necessarily , because w it 's not true in every case but it i there 's a general trend , we would expect that their score on the other variable would also be high .
7 That was n't counting what I had in my pockets when I was arrested .
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