Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [verb] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some modern variants are sociologically based , asserting that certain fundamental values are empirically found to exist in similar societies ( Rawls , 1972 ; Sparer , 1984 ; Moore , 1978 ) ; other variants are more speculative and derive their value-systems from a moral , ethical or other ideological source ( Finnis , 1980 ) .
2 If the Loyalists are so determined to live under British rule , it would make economic sense for them to be assisted to move to the mainland .
3 In the trichostrongyloids and strongyloids , the embryonated egg and the ensheathed L3 are best equipped to survive in adverse conditions such as freezing or desiccation ; in contrast , the L1 and L2 are particularly vulnerable .
4 People are already beginning to think of pre- and post-AIDS periods just as we in the seventies grew accustomed to thinking of pre- and post-gay liberation periods .
5 A spokesman said : ‘ These include Government plans to charge VAT on coal , gas and electricity bills — a move which could hit the pockets of millions of older people throughout the UK , including many of the 100,000 pensioners in Northern Ireland , who are already struggling to survive on low pensions and reduced income . ’
6 Babies are not born suffering from chronic guilt , anger of any other of the destructive emotions .
7 Despite great efforts to ‘ bottle up ’ sources of funds within regional boundaries , some banks find themselves with excess liquidity which they are not allowed to use for expanding credits to local enterprises , and this has led to some inter-regional flows of bank funds ( and to the uncontrolled expansion of bank lending to firms such as Agrokomerc ) .
8 The French banks are not allowed to discriminate against foreign Eurocheques .
9 People are not advised to aim for maximum fuel savings , but to concentrate on taking what is readily achievable without affecting efficiency .
10 ‘ Fortunately , coroners are not required to indulge in transcendental divination as to the locus of a murder .
11 The meetings are not meant to serve as glorified works councils , hammering out grand agreements on petty feuds .
12 Nevertheless , the objector may well remain convinced that many legislative authorities are not meant to act on dependent reasons and that their directives are not pre-emptive .
13 Although companies are not expected to go to unreasonable lengths to accommodate someone who is not able to carry out his job to the full extent , an employer who disregards altogether the possibility of finding you some other position and is unwilling to consider any other form of compromise may be vulnerable to an unfair dismissal claim .
14 Black psychiatric nurses and doctors are not permitted to care for white patients ( according to a 1984 study ) while there were no psychiatrists of ‘ African ’ descent in 1982 .
15 The FSU operates through local units , many of which are generously grant aided by local authorities .
16 We 're just going to write to local councils arbitrarily and and see what comes up .
17 Are we simply to chuck out these extra six constituencies and say no to the French , we 're not going to agree to extra silly expenditure or are we in fact going to cave in as we 've done so often .
18 They 're not designed to cope with cobbled streets . ’
19 You 're not allowed to poo in public places !
20 However , we 're also starting to deal with other types of retailers such as the mail-order houses , and that will very likely involve us in different messaging standards .
21 So again we 're going to come back to several themes in a fairly repetitive way , and we — do n't forgive us for this if you do n't like it , but we 're certainly going to talk about certain things again and again and again , but what it really comes down to , is ‘ Learn what the media 's all about , learn what they want , learn what you can provide , see whether you can match this , in a sense , and see whether you can make it work to your advantage ’ .
22 Products are always tested to conform to standard specifications ( as printed in the catalogue ) , but if there are specific analytical needs , they will gladly perform custom analyses , ensuring that the product will work for a particular application .
23 Even those heathlands which have not been reafforested are rapidly becoming covered with silver birch and self-sown Scots Pine , due to lack of grazing management .
24 Interpersonal skills are usually expected to develop without formal training , or are just taken for granted .
25 Due to the relatively small number of tags and the frequency with which some of these tags are found ( e.g. over 20% of the words in the lexicon are usually found behaving as common nouns ) there is often more than one word given the top rank in any position .
26 These are specially constructed to cope with astigmatic actresses such as myself and have two tiny lines on their edges which mean ‘ This way up ’ .
27 These are specially constructed to cope with astigmatic people such as myself and have two tiny lines on their edges which mean ‘ This way up ’ .
28 It is often the only sensible way of getting rid of extra height quickly if you are still tending to overshoot with full airbrake .
29 While it is difficult to argue convincingly that one system of taxation is superior to another , strong positions are still taken according to ideological commitment .
30 Well-planned , functional structures , properly sited , can enhance the landscape , particularly if the materials are carefully selected to blend with traditional buildings .
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