Example sentences of "[be] [pron] too [adj] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Is it too much to ask that our current politicians , Tory or Labour , who have abetted our national decline and now seek to end our independence , soon might have to face new and eloquent voices who will fill the patriotic void in our political spectrum , and reflect the views of the British people more accurately ?
2 Is it too much to ask that the boorish Directory Enquiry operator tries again to find a telephone number you know exits ?
3 Is it too much to ask that in 2023 , the historian confronting a machine-readable run of the Financial Times ( FT ) , 1993–2003 should be able to perform serial calculations with the stock prices quoted therein without having to re-enter or extensively edit the data ?
4 Is it too much to suppose that Saint Winifred herself moved her relics to the wagon that was bound for Ramsey ?
5 When , as I expect , Neil Kinnock enters 10 Downing Street as Prime Minister after Thursday , is it too much to expect that the knockers and detractors who said that Labour could never be electable under his leadership will eat their words ?
6 Is it too much to expect that the Lord President , on one of his journeys away from the capital , will take the opportunity to apologise unreservedly to the people of this country for his gross error of judgment in imposing the poll tax ?
7 SIR — Now that our sports-loving Prime Minister is back in Downing Street , is it too much to hope that his Minister with Responsibility for Sport will be upgraded from an Under-Secretary to a seat at the Cabinet table ?
8 Is it too much to hope that a few other Merseysiders will study his methods , stop waiting for someone else ( usually the Government or the EC ) to bail them out , and demonstrate similar enterprise ?
9 Is it too much to hope that the last wilderness will be allowed to carry on in its own independent way ?
10 Is it too fanciful to suggest that once schools know why pupils do not want to come to classes , teachers can set about making school more attractive for at least some of the disaffected ?
11 Is it too imaginative to suppose that all these consequences would follow an abolition of the power to dissolve ?
12 Was it too much to ask that he be allowed some privacy in his life ?
13 So was it too much to believe that it was Kemp that Stratton had seen — about five o'clock , had n't he said ?
14 Was it too much to think that that dying little creature with the last of her strength had carried her kitten to the only haven of comfort and warmth she had ever known in the hope that it would be cared for there ?
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