Example sentences of "[be] [pron] that [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If we find cognisance flourishing where there is a set of actions as restricted as those of Christy Nolan 's , then how can reality be something that we posit as the limits of action : in this case a poor actor should have a correspondingly poor grasp of the real .
2 but it , but it maybe , it it would seem to me if that is a consideration of yours , that might be something that you reflect upon in y in your report , but it is it is not a necessary er requirement that , er that be part and parcel of this particular E I P .
3 Similarly , the heat of a material thing being something that we feel with some part of our body , what can someone mean who says that he perceives the heat of something directly ?
4 Er clearly when we have got that situation , we do n't just simply put the numbers in and press the button and you get the answer out at the end , er the people who er did this for us at the time , er are professional er transportation consultants er and given that the key er one of the key outputs from this model was the effect of a er a bypass , then this is something that we looked at in in some detail as well as er the actual effects that the model was putting out .
5 I appreciate obviously tonight we have are not not gon na carried today but nonetheless it is something that we believe in very firmly and I hope we have the opportunity to try and persuade you otherwise at some other time .
6 But it is something that you recognize as a problem ?
7 Conversely , people think that myocardial infarction is something that you die from , quite rightly , and therefore most believe that " it is not going to happen to me " .
8 Erm internment is something that you believe in .
9 It can provide a precis only where the topic is something that it knows about , so that it has some sense of what conceptual relationships to expect in the story .
10 A major change is one that we make to your holiday arrangements before departure , that involves changing your UK airport(s) , resort area or time of departure or return by more than twelve hours or a change of accommodation to a Club not featured in this brochure .
11 The application to the local community is one that I put as a challenge to all : How can we help people to take seriously membership in the Eucharistic community of faith ?
12 The second fact issued before us and it 's one that I referred to er when we did it , debated this last time is that if members do take seriously the whole question of
13 It 's something that we regard as an interesting development .
14 My audition for Leeds was a sight reading job and it 's something that you get from drama training — work that helps you cope with the sight reading at an audition — yes .
15 Is it that we tire of preferring to know the best ?
16 If we look at a relationship or any type of commu mean taking a bit of a different look at things thinking well what is it that this person wants from me and what is it that I want from this person ?
17 is it , how many miles is it that I fly to Turin and Zurich and do you want me to try and add that up and then it was into the cars I thought oh this is an easier question to answer , I 'll stick with the cars cos I know that I do twenty two thousand .
18 But what sort of porn is it that it has to be brought all the way from the US of A ?
19 The problem in this case however is : What is it that it comes after ?
20 ‘ And how is it that you know about it ? ’
21 ‘ Where are you from , Creggan , and what is it that you fear in this place ? ’
22 Wha what is it that you do for a living ?
23 So delightfully muzzy was she that it seemed to her the night in Nice had never happened …
24 Erm that in fact er whether it 's been on board accurately by the report er or not is , is a matter for er question , but it was something that they bore in mind when they where reaching their conclusion , so they believe that they have taken it into account .
25 ‘ Well , I did n't know her personally but the other night like , I think it was her that we seen on the Woodham Road . ’
26 In fact so engrossed with her movements was he that he bumped into a young woman who was struggling with an impossibly heavy suitcase .
27 When was it that you left for Naples ? ’
28 How long ago was it that I looked on the world with such innocent eyes ?
29 Removal of this national vulnerability and dependence on other nations became the prime aim , and so compelling an aim was it that it came to be achieved by fair means or foul .
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