Example sentences of "[be] [pron] say that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or are you saying that the level of provision the County Council propose for employment is excessive bearing in mind that they do not propose to cater for one hundred percent migration ?
2 I 'm very puzzled by this now so I ask for clarification , if it 's a long franchise then , if it 's a fifteen year franchise , are you saying that the franchisee will have control over the track ?
3 Let's have it in black and white , are you saying that the Council Tax should go up by many , many pounds ?
4 ‘ Sorry to interrupt , but are you saying that the Bonnards fell foul of the secret service ? ’
5 Are you saying that the package
6 Are you saying that the words of this boy healed your blindness ? ’
7 Well okay bu but in that sense are you saying that the learning experience was such that the peasant was so conservative and reactionary and so was all you could do ?
8 Ar are you saying that the defendant was , or ought to have been a conveyancing expert himself ?
9 Are you saying that the Abbot lied to us ? ’
10 Everyone knows that both sexes work with horses , and according to the Oxford English Dictionary the word ‘ He ’ is generic , is she saying that the Oxford English Dictionary is wrong ?
11 Clearly Clovis was currying favour with the catholic clergy at the start of the Visigothic war ; that is not to say that the war was a crusade , nor is it to say that the king had already been baptized .
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