Example sentences of "[be] [pron] [conj] [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A mere few days are nothing when we 've already survived so much ! "
2 ‘ What am I that you hate so much ? ’
3 Er had it been something that you 'd long sought after you know , like like in the mines where it had been an issue for some years ?
4 The responsibility will now be theirs and they 'd better get on with it and better show things that they 've been arguing and get along .
5 A good night out for me would be one where I got home and nobody had played any tricks on me .
6 ‘ Kitty disappeared off the face of the earth and then without warning turned up in Whitechapel with a man in a motor car ; neither of them seemed to be hers but she looked very pleased with life . ’
7 ‘ Where were you before you came here ? ’ he asked .
8 How old were you when you finished there ?
9 What age were you when you went there ?
10 How old were you when you went there ?
11 There 's nothing that I want though for spare , cos I 've probably got it
12 I think that that is fundamental to a local authority , I think it is something that we have here in Cambridge , it is a centre of excellence for local authority housing .
13 ‘ Ease of use ’ is something that no-one studies scientifically , says Chapanis .
14 So there are lots of erm this is something that you know quite a bit about .
15 The realist approach to explanation is one that we discuss further and use in Chapter 6 .
16 This picture is one that we have often seen and is , believe us , very common .
17 this is one that you did here .
18 Claudia Roden 's recipe for Arab pizza is one that I use frequently .
19 But it 's one that I 've already decided to put right .
20 They believe that women are well aware of the power of their sexual attractiveness as well as their power of refusal , but it 's something that they accept cheerfully enough .
21 Actress Susan Hampshire added : ‘ It 's something that we 'd all been led to expect . ’
22 I mean it 's been a helpful conversation , erm you know I 'm not s I you know you persuaded me , rightly or wrongly , that it 's not that much of an issue in in our fellowship , but it 's something that we do always need to be aware of .
23 So that 's that 's something that you 've never done before an equation you 've st perhaps never even heard of calcium sulphate .
24 So as I say I , I found Friday very useful , I found the er , the renewed routines , although we , I mean we all had lots of problems with the videos , they did n't come out but it did n't really matter because the three of us in our group sat there and very openly , very honestly , and without any personal animosity whatsoever helped each other and that again , as I say very useful and so above all a and I think it 's something that I feel very strongly about because we have n't talked to people we 've , in English , understandable language about what this is all about .
25 Even the day before I go ( to her house ) I 'm thinking ‘ How many hours is it before I get there ? — I 've got to go tomorrow — What 's it going to be like ? ’
26 How is it that we have blindly come to think that animals and other creatures have no inner life when their every action tells us that they do ?
27 What is it that we carry away with us when we leave a gallery that creates a desire in us to paint , to draw or simply to doodle on a page .
28 WHY IS it that I get so much personally addressed mail ?
29 W w why is it that you went straight from school into the
30 ‘ What is it that you dislike most about work ? ’
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