Example sentences of "[be] [art] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh yes , there have n't been the spectacular rises of the first few years , but we could guarantee a growth figure which more than copes with inflation .
2 The second symptom of change following his long residence at Lyons is this : in later years , but never earlier , Anselm occasionally used the phrase Libertas Ecclesiae , of which Hugh and Gregory VII had been the chief advocates for the last twenty years .
3 Poor folk had long been the chief sufferers from the raids of the body-snatchers , because of the flimsy coffins and shallow graves to which their corpses were consigned .
4 Sawle acknowledged this on the eve of the final Test when , asked to defend the dumping of Marsh , he made the point that it had been the bowlers — Craig McDermott ( whose 31 wickets made him the highest Australian wicket-taker in a series against India ) , Bruce Reid ( a wrecker in the second Test before breaking down again ) and Merv Hughes — who had been the key figures throughout the series .
5 ‘ Germany , ’ he said , ‘ has been the spiritus agens of the whole development of Middle-Europe — from Hitler to the collapse of the Berlin Wall , which encouraged and prompted our own transformation .
6 But then they had a habit of melting into society , and in the meantime many had been the expensive guests of the German taxpayer .
7 Although , as we shall see , many varied and lengthy accounts of what may have been the distinguishing characteristics of the fabliaux have been produced , the short definition given by Bédier in 1893 still attracts support : the fabliaux , he declared , are " " contes à rire en vers " " .
8 Only when that has been fully experienced can the bereaved person take what had been the good parts of the lost relationship and find a new relationship into which those positive feelings can be renewed .
9 Giving further solidity to the PTGI set-up have been the recent moves into the fields of distribution and having a wider portfolio of products with the United Distillers range of spirits brands .
10 The crawling and wriggling carcasses had been the innocent victims of the chaos taking possession of their world .
11 Whoever they were , Ulf and Eglaf are unlikely to have been the prime movers in the attack on Cnut .
12 It was argued earlier that man , a creature with unprepossessing qualities for higher social development , became capable of that development because of traumatic social changes which occurred in the past but whose impact was so immense that they have shaped human nature down to the present and have been the determining influences on the evolution of culture , whose function , by and large , is the transmission of the consequences of these primal , traumatic experiences to subsequent generations in the form of ego , and , most especially , superego , development .
13 I had n't had a good War for months ; the last one had been the Ordinary Soldiers versus the Aerosols .
14 These are unlikely to have been the only offices in the gift of the chief steward and the total may have been substantial .
15 These are unlikely to have been the only offices in the gift of the chief steward and the total may have been substantial .
16 perhaps a final factor has been the differing styles of the individual consultants , so that the firm appeals to a wider spread of clients .
17 With Girlschool reconvened , and the arrival of Jackie Carrera on bass , they seem poised at the beginning of a newish era , but what have been the high spots of the band 's history so far ?
18 There 's been the reasonably-priced reissues of the Tele , Strat , Precision , Jazz Bass , Jag and Jazzmaster , but fans of the Bass VI ( of whom there are plenty ) have to search out old examples and pay the earth for them : witness an asking price of £1295 for a post-CBS ‘ blockmarker ’ model .
19 That Lions tour party breakdown probably would have been the initial thoughts of the selectors in January .
20 Mr Brooke invited to his round table both the Ulster Unionists and the Democratic Unionists , along with the centrist Alliance , and the SDLP ( who have been the intended beneficiaries of the whole exercise since the Anglo-Irish Agreement — the actual beneficiaries have been the IRA ) .
21 What is remarkable is that the initiative here was taken by the High Anglican clergy , who should have been the natural allies of the Stuart monarchy , and who had staunchly defended James 's title to the throne during the Exclusion Crisis .
22 The Issak had been the main casualties in the government 's campaign to stamp out support for the rebel Somali National Movement ( SNM ) .
23 He had been restored to the earldom in 1470 as part of Edward 's measures against Clarence and the Nevilles , who had been the main beneficiaries of the Percy forfeiture .
24 During the last nine years , it has been richer pensioners who have been the main beneficiaries of the real increase in the value of pensions .
25 He had been restored to the earldom in 1470 as part of Edward 's measures against Clarence and the Nevilles , who had been the main beneficiaries of the Percy forfeiture .
26 On this occasion the Hansards seem to have been the main beneficiaries from the decline in the activity of other alien merchants , but they too could be affected by political rivalry , and periods of tension between England and the Hanse towns , even if this fell short of war , were marked by substantial falls in cloth exports by the Hanse merchants .
27 Emigration and tourism have long been the main contributors to the economy of Madeira , emigration being the older .
28 It is defined as where n∼ and n∼ o are the refractive indices of the solution and the solvent and c is the concentration .
29 For example , they ask what are the strategic implications to the total company of various competitive actions .
30 What are the current developments in the company 's principal markets ?
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