Example sentences of "[be] [art] [noun] that [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of the most positive aspects of Switchboard that I 've seen over the past seven years , apart from the callers , has been the way that many of its members have continuously struggled to put their politics and convictions about gay and other rights into practice ( though some of them might not care to put it that way ) and the strength that working on it has given some people to do so elsewhere .
2 ‘ There are no allegations that any of these were selling information or that there was any fraud involved but they were causing chaos on a scale that could n't be imagined , ’ Mr Richardson said earlier .
3 I am told that there has been an agreement that some of the contact orders should be varied now but that does not form part of the appeal .
4 It certainly seems to be the case that many of those who opt to pay for their children 's education are attracted by the narrow social intake of most private schools .
5 It could be argued that one of the reasons for the social division in the area might be the fact that those in charge of the paraphernalia of research did in a sense predefine conflict in this way .
6 There can be no doubt that many of those polled recently thought that it would sound nicer — or would somehow tease the pollsters — to say that they were voting Labour , when that was not their intention .
7 There can be no doubt that both of these books advance Piero studies .
8 ‘ There can be no guarantee that any of the options under consideration will actually save money , ’ he told a seminar for chief officers of Aberdeen District Council .
9 This declaration followed a denunciation of the City of London , drawing attention to the chief actors in the Guinness scandal : ‘ It can hardly be a coincidence that those in the dock are all Jews . ’
10 Firstly , it may have been masked by the salt movement effects described above or , secondly , it may be an indication that some of the central areas have undergone less Hercynian uplift than the flanking areas to the north and east .
11 If it were the case that some of the remaining words were radically different from the approximate values for shape and length they could be removed from the list of candidates .
12 I mean she 'll just gradually , because this bit between here and the stomach is the bit that most of the food gets digested in ,
13 I think the regrettable thing about the parking in in the town is the way that some of the disabled slots at the surgery are taken by the cars of people who are perfectly able to walk from the car park , and I think the great problem we 're going to have is we 're going to rely on the public spiritedness of our fellow townspeople and there does seem to be a fair group of people who are extremely selfish when it comes to come to parking .
14 The hypothesis that we begin to explore in this paper is the hypothesis that one of the reasons for non-convergence of real-life markets to the competitive equilibrium is that the agents in those markets are unable to solve the complex decision-problem facing them perfectly ; their sub-optimal behaviour leads to sub-optimal outcomes .
15 Even more important , perhaps , is the realisation that all through this long history , the environmental belts have hardly changed their positions or their nature .
16 On the other hand , there is the possibility that one of the differing patterns of ideas may not be Conservatism .
17 Lying behind my summary evaluations of these theories is the conviction that most of them are fixated around the unhelpful idea that hegemon states exploit other states .
18 Although it is the case that many of Freud 's speculations were mistaken , something he half , if not fully , expected would happen within biology , it is not possible to ignore the other aspects of the death-instinct theory which have an application within psychoanalysis , and its extension into sociology .
19 If that is the case that each of the political parties , as I assume is the case for er the Conservative party , I know it to be the case of the Labour party I assume the same is true for the Liberal Democrats and other parties represented in this house , that they undertake the very considerable organisational er er process of selecting candidates only to find a few weeks before June the ninth , that as a result of the difficulties that I 've described as far as the French government attitude towards these elections is concerned , that er in fact we have to revert to the existing arrangements and that we can not have these new er boundaries in place .
20 What prompts it is the truth that many of the general propositions fundamental to science , most notably many of those dignified with the name of laws , are not of the form of ordinary causal generalizations or ordinary nomic but non-causal generalizations .
21 More important is the fact that many of the draft 's boldest strokes would seem a lot more realistic if they had been destined for Mark Fisher and a Labour government .
22 An indication that the acceptability of the concept of headhunting has made great progress among employers in Britain is the fact that many of the respondents attested to search consultants ' knowledge of the executive market place , gained over a number of years , and their expertise in certain specialised sectors .
23 The only slightly annoying thing about these images however , is the fact that many of them have captions running across them , rather than along the top or bottom , spoiling the overall view .
24 The climax of the account is the fact that one of the ten who was cured return to Jesus to thank him ( Luke 17:15 ) .
25 More important in the present connection , however , is the fact that one of those sitting in a seat of lesser importance , facing the sultan , was Hizir Bey .
26 Of greater significance than the numbers of schools established in 1850 to 1860 is the fact that some of them were founded for the express purpose of teaching deaf children through the Oral System .
27 It 's a view that many of the younger , university-educated clergy seem to share .
28 There is no doubt that many of the serious stall/spin accidents are caused by poor planning which leads to situations involving difficult manoeuvring near the ground , putting the pilots under stress so that they make mistakes or fly badly enough to stall and spin in .
29 Perhaps some of Dryden 's early readers objected to this presumption in him ; there is no doubt that many of Pound 's readers have felt affronted , and feel affronted still , by the authority he claims , the impatiently magisterial tone of much of his criticism .
30 There is no doubt that many of its customers have used loans in cases where they would previously have use ( more costly ) HP a 1977 survey showed that 59 per cent of the loans it made were for motor vehicle purchase .
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