Example sentences of "[be] [art] [noun] [adv] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 What , then , are the interests typically threatened or destroyed by sexual assaults ?
2 Where are the products actually bought and sold ?
3 Nowadays I am a lot better placed and able to eat better because of the electric cooker .
4 Not a recognized route , it had been a track much used and he was willing to bet it was still there .
5 Right after that you 'll learn that once the bird is stabilised in the dive it 's all too easy to be a bit late recovering and end up pulling g .
6 But in no way were the results properly analysed and taken into account by those who seek , and are paid , to quantify such matters , before the event .
7 Oh , this , this is a very important book of course and one of the , one of the astonishing things is the way totally ignored and if you look through even people who write about psychoanalyses and the social sciences and there 's a lot of them , this book is hardly ever mentioned and I , I normally nowadays routinely look for it in the , in the references and index an and many books th that purport to talk about groups and sociology is never mentioned I think , and those that do do n't ever seem to understand what it says .
8 Only when it is exposed to chemicals that harden the tissue and inhibit decay , a method known as fixation , is the brain easily studied and only then will it reveal the complexities of its organization .
9 In a shared property , is the tenancy jointly held or are residents individual licensees ?
10 Undoubtedly a major factor here is the 5ins longer wheelbase and wider front and rear tracks .
11 Not only is the creature convincingly modelled and animated , but ray tracing and lighting effects are used to give accurate refraction and reflection so that it really does look as if it is made of water .
12 As in much of Eliot 's drama , the issue of The Family Reunion lies in the revelation of a secret : his world is one in which disclosure is the thing most needed and also most feared .
13 Is the area well lit and well policed ?
14 It 's the way forward to attract and meet the needs of other unions and possible amalgamations and merges .
15 Not getting a reply fast enough came top of the list , especially when you know there must be somebody there , so when there 's a telephone just ringing and nobody answers it .
16 He says it 's a bit far to come but he thinks they pay expenses , so it 's nice .
17 As far as the Church is concerned , Jennifer is a mistake best forgotten and not worth sacrificing a priest for .
18 It matters only that it is a tribute well deserved and well located .
19 It often happens , especially if you train only spasmodically , that you start off the season with a personal best time , get really excited because you think there is a lot more to come and then the rest of the summer turns out to be something of a damp squib .
20 She might , however , reach the conclusion which Hapgood finds it hard to take on board — that espionage is a game best understood and appreciated by small boys .
21 This awesome aspect of An Teallach is a highlight never forgotten and well repays the five miles of rough walking before regaining the smooth road .
22 It is a charge never withdrawn and it is one which stuck .
23 It is a mystery only to man and not to God .
24 ‘ But , I 'll be honest with you , Sir Ralph was a man more feared and respected than loved . ’
25 Splendid buildings with grand entrances and such smart people going in and out that it was a pleasure just to stand and watch them .
26 It was a remedy frequently recommended but less often applied .
27 That was but a seed , but it was a seed well sown and matters have moved on a great deal since then .
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