Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [pos pn] [noun] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 I 'm on my way up to town .
2 ‘ Well , look , I 'm on my way over to the hospital now , so I 'll take you across .
3 Sergeant Flavell sounds a little odd when I talk to him and tell him I 've been to Jersey for the day but I 'm on my way back to Edinburgh .
4 But Tottenham 's problems pale by comparison with those of last night 's opponents ; should Coventry beat Sheffield Wednesday at home tonight and win or draw here on Saturday , then County will be on their way back to the Second Division .
5 ROB and Ali Campbell of UB40 , the band who call themselves after an unemployment relief form , are delighted to be on their way back to Belfast .
6 Wednesday striker Nigel Jemson could be on his way back to former club Nottingham Forest .
7 Maybe he would n't be bringing the certificate today , but then again in ten minutes ' time Sampson could be on his way down to the police station with an open envelope .
8 He thought I 'd soon be on my way back to England , you see .
9 ‘ I am on my way down to the reprocessing area .
10 As the sky lightens in the east , the crabs leave the water 's edge and are on their way back to the forest .
11 It takes place automatically when the clubhead is swung correctly to the top of the backswing , but the wrists do not cock fully until they are on their way back to the ball .
12 ‘ I stayed because little Willmouse is unwell , and he will have trouble enough when we are on our way back to England .
13 Many of the passengers were on their way home to Dublin or off on holiday in Amsterdam , Paris or Jersey .
14 By now the two Gertrudes , Wijsmüller and van Tijn , were on their way back to Amsterdam .
15 Five minutes later they were on their way back to Washington .
16 They had met when dining at English 's Oyster House , and were on their way back to the rebuilt Grand Hotel for a night-cap and bed .
17 Jack Whitaker asked when they were on their way back to the workings .
18 The other four British tourists affected had only slight wounds and were on their way back to Cyprus tonight .
19 The children , from Corporation Road Junior School , were on their way back to school from a swimming session at the Dolphin Centre .
20 Relatives of those aboard the ferry were on their way yesterday to the site of the disaster to wait for news .
21 Though heavily laden as they were on their trek back to the crofts , they did not complain .
22 If he came back he would see her walking away from the house , walking down the track as if she were on her way back to Paris .
23 It was after one o'clock when Nigel finally returned his notebook to his pocket and we were on our way back to The Smoke .
24 We 'd had dinner and were on our way back to the hotel when I told him I was going to go for a walk before going to bed .
25 We were on our way down to but we were n't actually sure
26 I know how they 're supposed to work , I know all about the importance attached to establishing a rapport and initiating trust and building confidence and all that shit ( and I 'm almost flattered they have n't done the old good-cop bad-cop routine , though maybe they just do n't do that at all any more because everybody knows about it from the TV ) , but I really do feel something for McDunn : he 's like my lifeline back to reality , my ray of sanity in the nightmare .
27 Maybe she 's on her way back to England now . "
28 Yeah well , do n't forget now she 's on her way back to school , see !
29 It 's on our way back to Hastings . ’
30 I told him to get up and put some clothes on — he 's on his way round to Florrie 's now , to say that Eb 's staying with us .
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