Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [det] [noun sg] that i " in BNC.

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1 We somehow got on to the subject of detective stories , for it had been with some surprise that I learnt at the Old Parsonage meeting that at one time he had read them with avidity .
2 These promise to be of such importance that I shall briefly relate them here , before journeying north .
3 It 's for that reason that I still support the original line which was to merge the centres with a common management structure headed by a single head of the project .
4 It is for that reason that I include it on the shortlist for the Worst Building in the World title .
5 It is for this reason that I regard the industrial action which swept through schools in the mid-1980s with regret .
6 It is for this reason that I have confined myself to novels concerned with the period before 1914 .
7 It is for this reason that I do not consider the intervention powers contained in the Act of 1986 , for it is the powers contained in the Lautro Rules that here are relevant .
8 It is for this reason that I suggest therefore that the preferred areas of search should be confined to the corridors of Selby West or Selby East .
9 I should , at this point , declare my interest as being associated with Horizon , but it is through this link that I know that not one of the producers involved with BBC productions was consulted in any way during the writing of the book .
10 It is against that background that I return to the conclusion of the majority of the Court of Appeal that the mere fact that Wickes might be able to advance such an argument founded upon article 30 , which was at least not a groundless argument , compelled the Court of Appeal to require an undertaking in damages from the council .
11 It is against this background that I wish to consider the contemporary Crisis of Capitalism .
12 It is against this background that I approached the construction and which led me to prefer the interpretation which bases the assessment to tax upon the actual cost to the employer rather than the hypothetical cost arrived at by dividing the number of pupils into the total cost of providing full facilities .
13 ‘ I do think this record is unlike any record that I 've ever done before .
14 It is with much concern that I find myself unable to comply with a request from you and Mr. Browne , but indeed you pay me too great a compliment in supposing me capable of writing upon any subject that is proposed to me .
15 It is with more pleasure that I thank all those who have helped my ideas about the Lorenz equations to develop ; they are many , but I must mention particularly Peter Swinnerton-Dyer , Bob Williams and Paul Glendinning .
16 It is with some trepidation that I mention our feathered friends — LARUS CANUS — the common gull .
17 It is with some pride that I am able to bring you a useful etiquette tip from the Denis Thatcher Handbook Of Handy Hints For Husbands .
18 As English Heritage do not like us , it is with some glee that I report dissent in their own ranks .
19 It is with some reluctance that I have to strongly disagree with one of my fellow presidents , but some of the impressions that her article creates are very misleading and , in some cases , offensive .
20 During the past week there have been several occasions where people have been meddling with candles and other things in the church , including the money boxes yet again , and so it is with some sadness that I have decided to keep the church locked during the holiday period .
21 " He 's under some delusion that I 'm going to cheat him , " Matthew said .
22 It is in this spirit that I have attempted to analyse the technical-legal issues surrounding the debate about the illegality of nuclear weapons .
23 It is in this setting that I want to try and talk about Moral Re-Armament .
24 It is in this form that I would express the challenge of the social and medical revolution which has given rise to the modern problem of old age .
25 It is without any pleasure that I seek once more to call the attention of the House to the problems faced by Derbyshire police force .
26 As I am satisfied that the judge applied an incorrect test to the foster mother 's application , and was also deprived of material necessary for the proper exercise of his discretion , it follows that we are free to exercise our own discretion and it is to that question that I now turn .
27 Nonetheless , I believe that the CA approach can get us further with the study of code switching than other approaches tried so far , and it is on that basis that I have chosen to use it in this book .
28 It is at this point that I slip from my pedestal of polite insouciance .
29 It is at this point that I do n't know if I can help , or if I have somehow wounded him too badly .
30 It was for that reason that I took the stand I did , and put forward the views that I did .
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