Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [adv] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been through so many rehearsals of this moment in London .
2 But normally , but er the , they are for just that sort of product .
3 Why his Lordship should have concluded that the facts did not give rise to the issue is unclear , but subsequent events have shown that the decision has been of much greater importance for the scope of the right of public meeting than his Lordship imagined it would be .
4 The player 's display would have been of as much interest to the watching Celtic manager , Liam Brady , as the distressing form of his opponents on Saturday .
5 Therefore , if we had taken our cue from these public styles , we would have produced a top-heavy account that would have been of only marginal importance to the social ‘ life ’ of the speech community .
6 Could anti-Semitism , so pivotal in Hitler 's ‘ world view ’ , have been of only minor significance in forming the bonds between Führer and people which gave the Third Reich its popular legitimation and plebiscitary base of acclamation ?
7 Parliament , it was said , could not have intended , despite the clearly expressed intention to the contrary , to have given the exclusion so limited an operation , for that would have been of very little assistance to the police .
8 Cause of death would have been of purely academic interest to the deceased man 's widow .
9 The newly-discovered sites are of particularly great importance for Jewish history because the Roman repression which followed the revolts of Bar-Giora and Bar-Kokhba mark the beginning of the Jewish diaspora .
10 It provides lots of building materials-type stuff of American origin that are of only limited use over here , but since it is meant only to be a very basic application , better suited to a visualisation rather than a concrete architectural drawing ( forgive the pun , by the way ) , this hardly matters .
11 Most general collections are of spectra of organic samples , so that local collections covering special groups of compounds are of more immediate use to the inorganic chemist .
12 They are of more recent origin in statutory planning and , apart from a few basic considerations , tend to vary in their incidence in different districts .
13 Although such organic activity can be significant , especially locally , it is the physical processes of crystal formation and expansion that are of more fundamental importance in rock weathering .
14 The corollary of the theory , of course , is that ads for the cheap , day-to-day , convenience type of product are of so little interest to anybody that they should carry a minimum of information , and that they will even then have great difficulty in achieving any very active response from customers .
15 Indeed , as Wolfram points out , such relationships are of so little importance within British kinship that there are no recognized kinship terms for many of these relationships gained through marriage ( Wolfram , 1987 , p. 4 ) .
16 The teeth are of extremely vital importance to the dog .
17 Colour facilities are of very limited use in personal injury cases .
18 Here , the joints and small faults are of very great significance in allowing the ingress of the sea and in affecting the detailed form of the cliff and the rock platform in front of the cliff ( Plates 24 and 25 ) .
19 Orthogonal matrices are of very great importance in dynamics .
20 They 're from totally opposite sides of the tracks .
21 Certainly I think we 're in very great danger of Leeds Bradford , if we start pushing things a great deal more .
22 If you 're on too friendly terms with him , you may be in danger of not doing your job properly as a governor , because it can be quite difficult to stand back from somebody in an objective way when you know them too well or are too closely involved with them .
23 It means you have to treat the first invoice as an error , and possible invoke the DOCTOR ( which has been with most Sage products for ages ) to correct things , and then go and do it right .
24 As you know , it 's pretty easy to stay within R & A guidelines as long as any kinks in the shaft are within so many inches of the putter head and so on .
25 There are areas of contention — I ca n't really think of any at the moment — but I 'll tell you I am in extremely good books at the moment , because I cooked Christmas lunch .
26 I am in very close touch with Bedfordshire county council , and the hon. Gentleman is right ; it is concerned about this , too .
27 If you had told me four years ago that what has happened would happen , I would have expected to have been in pretty poor shape by now .
28 But today Gloria blundered out through the swing doors when she 'd hardly been in there any time at all and looked like she was groping along in her sleep .
29 She knew , with a feeling of detachment , that she attracted quite a few stares herself , primarily from men , and that if she had not had André at her side she would have been in very real danger of having to concoct a few efficient exit lines .
30 yeah , that 's what I 'll do , I 'll just take some out of that and replace , but I , I 've said , I , I 'm never gon na touch that I 'll be well unhappy if I do , cos I been in real dodgy situations with money and still resisted the temptation to take , touch that money .
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