Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [noun sg] [subord] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Hall argued , however , that even this least satisfactory outcome would be worth while if it meant some of the long-term unemployed in the inner cities obtained jobs , and were thus able to climb up the skills and income levels .
2 A member of our group had this to say about the writing of this paper : ‘ It will be worth doing if it gets read by a lot of people .
3 Kin may still be of importance when it comes to seeking work or accommodation .
4 Vanguard had performed well in the 1974 elections but , as Sarah Nelson notes , ‘ The VUP 's future was bound to be in doubt once it shed its two distinctive Vanguard features : militant opposition to British domination and alliance with workers and paramilitants . ’
5 It may , however , be in trouble if it does not project the whole life-cycle to ascertain how long the increasing margins can continue .
6 Any proposal will be in trouble if it has to be approved by the upper house of parliament as well as the lower house .
7 If the probe moves along a radius with , then For simplicity it can be imagined that the probe would have been be at rest if it had started at an infinite distance from the hole ; then the kinetic energy parameter T vanishes and the equation reduces further to where , as usual , .
8 Do Amaral said the control tower were unaware of the plane being in trouble as it came in to land .
9 One use for an optical aid for pupils with tunnel vision that is designed on this principle is for mobility since it helps to increase the extent of the visual panorama .
10 Though nothing came of this it is of interest because it anticipates the ‘ Cold War ’ methods by which Persia sought to infiltrate Greece in the second half of the century .
11 What he writes is of interest because it shows his attitude to his illness , and to the importance of relieving the pressures of his illness .
12 Although no firm progress was made at this stage much of the evidence is of interest as it deals with the environmental and development pressures resulting from such a link .
13 It 's in writing because it 's got to be identified by somebody and your not around to say .
14 There is no doubt that a bill or note given in consideration of what is supposed to be a debt is without consideration if it appears that there was a mistake in fact as to the existence of the debt ; Bell v. Gardiner ( 4 M. & Gr. 11 ) ; and , according to the cases of Southall v. Rigg and Forman v. Wright ( 11 C.B. 481 ) , the law is the same if the bill or note is given in consequence of a mistake of law as to the existence of a debt .
15 Erm certainly on the rescue tenders , erm erm on , on each division would have that equipment , it 's not carried on every fire engine as far as I know now , erm I , I do n't see why it should n't but er again I think it 's a matter of cost , and , and carrying it about as well and finding the space for it , but certainly it 's at hand when it 's needed .
16 Nothing was worth doing unless it gave pleasure , he had argued in Ink .
17 The official compilation was of moment because it ensured that certain general claims of the papacy , and the specific reasons for these claims , were not lost sight of in the later history of the papacy .
18 A new regime behind bars The prison system in independent Latvia was in disarray so it called in a troubleshooter from Scotland to help .
19 Here were editions esteemed as being the first , and there stood scarcely less regarded as being the last and the best ; here was a book valued because it had the author 's final improvements , and there is another which ( strange to tell ! ) was in request because it had them not .
20 Mr Sugar 's other main company interest , Tottenham Hotspur , was in demand as it climbed 14p to 103p over speculation that chief executive Terry Venables might buy Mr Sugar 's stake in the club .
21 15 years ago MOVIES were a major part of the schedules although the film of Up Pompeii starring Frankie ( Please yourself , missus ) Howerd was on back where it started on the small screen .
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