Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [adv] [det] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ’ They 're in here all the time looking through the clothes and you know exactly what 's on their minds .
2 Yeah and I 'm in here all the time yeah .
3 worked at the erm at The Clwyd and he me , you know , he used to be in there all the time !
4 states , they 've got to be accurate , they 've got to be at least half a mile apart
5 ‘ You can not expect to be in the national squad unless you can prove that you are good enough , so I just have to continue the learning process , equip myself fully for the task , get a bit fitter and that , hopefully , will be at least half the battle ’ .
6 after being in there all the time , but I mean , you , there 's nothing you can do you can sit with somebody
7 Despite being in only half the film , Hopkins — staring , whispering and pulling people 's faces off — reduces Jodie Foster 's Clarice Sterling to a near-supporting role .
8 As I have said already , it was in just such a position that the doctor who attended us in wartime lived .
9 I was in just such a trance , going through the motions of doing what I was told , but without being able to do so in reality .
10 He was in nearly all the scenes .
11 Bergsson said : ‘ He was in a hurry to take the throw but I was in not such a hurry to give him the ball .
12 It was on just such a dais as this above the feudal retainers , he supposed , that the Saxon thanes would have sat down to trenchers of roasted wild duck and suckling pig .
13 This was more a psychological war of attrition than a physical threat , but it was on just such an occasion that we used what might be called our only " weapons " — a couple of pairs of plastic , luminous , blood-shot eyes which I had picked up in an American novelty store over Halloween .
14 Everyone still standing , and that was at least half the passengers , did a little backwards dance and righted themselves by the simple expedient of taking hold of the person or object closest to them .
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