Example sentences of "[be] [adj] to be [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's a business move and I am sorry to be leaving French rugby as it has been going well , ’ said Andrew .
2 If you 're likely to be tackling full-scale plumbing installation work rather than just mending the occasional dripping tap , it will pay you to collect some specialist hand tools .
3 Practical guidelines are likely to be made available to health managers , but there will be no helpline number .
4 Furthermore , the military 's data banks , which contain information on ocean temperatures and currents , weather patterns and changes in vegetation in many regions of the world , are likely to be made available to environmental researchers .
5 About half the 6,000 white collar workers are likely to be made redundant in response to the shrinking market for coal .
6 Following the completion of the audit [ specify ] , we will carry out a review of the company , giving particular attention to those areas which are likely to be given close scrutiny during any due diligence procedure .
7 Doctors say most people in Britain are likely to be drinking dirty tap water .
8 For that reason , the majority are likely to be studying technical or vocational subjects that equip them with more immediately useful skills .
9 By this time in the season your apples are likely to be showing advanced signs of scab ( Venturia inaequalis ) .
10 Yet another way in which not having a bank account makes people more likely to fall into the non-chooser group , the automatic users of one or other type of credit , is that people without bank accounts are likely to be paid weekly , in cash .
11 In this sense collective bargaining is not only confined to formalised , written agreements between trade unions and employers ' bodies , it can also include informal , collective dealings and negotiations at local level , both on wage and non-wage issues , between managements and works councils or similar bodies in countries like Austria and West Germany , even though in the latter country collective bargaining and the co-determination mechanisms are supposed to be kept separate .
12 Host : Domestic dog and wild carnivores Site : Lung parenchyma Species : Filaroides milksi F. hirthi Distribution : North America , Europe and Japan The worms are very small , slender , hair-like and greyish , and are not only difficult to see with the naked eye in the lung parenchyma , but are unlikely to be recovered intact from the tissue .
13 Unlike most of the sights before , you are unlikely to be standing alone and I noticed that other visitors wandered round in disbelieving silence .
14 Erm and he 's saying that you know to start with basically education has always been the preserve of the landlords , er the peasants have n't had anything to do with education , have always been poor illiterate peasants erm and now he 's saying that because the landlords have been overthrown erm suddenly peasants er have , you know , are forming erm schools and have been able to be taught various things .
15 Such reasons might include a governing body disregarding LEA advice that dismissal would be likely to be found unfair before an industrial tribunal : or a governing body determining payments to departing members of staff which were in excess of the LEA 's own practice .
16 Well I do n't think it 's , I do n't think it 's terribly good actually to be able to be telling other people who has already been here , erm
17 attendance allowances for members , I would move that er , a scheme be commenced from the first of April ninety-four , and that the wording attached to the paper , be altered in two respects , in place of the phrase is a person over sixty-nine years of age , the words is an elderly person , and more significantly at the end of paragraph four , and normally lives with a member as part of the member 's family and be able to be left at th , be unable to be left unsupervised , be added , And that er , power to delegate a director of financial to amend the rates of allowances from time to time rates of attendance allowance for members , and that the scheme be met from the overall member 's allowance to which we recently referring .
18 Meanwhile the Broads were due to be given National Park status in April 1989 , and it seemed appropriate to mark the occasion with a modern study , albeit a subjective one .
19 The Dwarfs were content to be left alone .
20 Krabbe 's manager Jos Hermens and panel president Wolfgang Schoeppe have refused to comment on the findings of the reports which have only just been completed and were supposed to be kept secret until the final ruling was announced .
21 Although these were supposed to be held monthly , devious excuses were manifold when one side or the other wished to dodge an awkward issue .
22 Michael Liley , the Association Director , has pointed out that important changes were in the offing , and it was important to know what was to happen as the change were likely to be found unpleasant in the trade .
23 And while established first team players like Kevin Scott and Gavin Peacock are certain to be offered new deals , the new Newcastle boss is already preparing to be ruthless .
24 Although it is normal to be served long grain rice at a Chinese restaurant , it is much easier to eat the shorter grains with chopsticks .
25 He says he is prepared to be proved wrong — suggesting he would raise his offer if DRG produced a higher valuation .
26 These checks are only justified if the person is likely to be handling large sums of money or to be exposed to the possibility of bribery .
27 Finally , as the advanced further education pool is virtually certain to be reduced , in relative terms , in the next few years and consequently the survival of some institutions may be at stake , NAB 's most difficult job is likely to be to steer public sector higher education through the stormy seas ahead with as little long-term damage as possible .
28 The former is likely to be using mechanism-based models with people as ancillaries while the ergonomist will be using models of people with mechanisms as ancillaries .
29 The history of previous attempts to reduce the prison population by introducing alternative punishments suggest that NAPO is likely to be proved right .
30 Even if the analysis is correct , the prediction is likely to be proved wrong .
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