Example sentences of "[be] [adj] and a [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Now that two of you are married and a couple of you are starting families , does the band work as a lads ' escape ?
2 Once , when he had been late and a crowd of louts from the factory had started to shout at her , calling out about her legs and what they 'd like to do to her , Georg had come storming down the road on a bicycle , jumped off , and knocked two of them down before the rest ran away .
3 In the UK , it is estimated that 1 in 4 people are overweight , grade 1 obesity , the major reasons for dieting are cosmetic and a sense of well-being .
4 If legislation were introduced at this point it is possible that it would fall foul of the decision by the European Court of Justice and thus be impracticable and a waste of public funds .
5 It would , indeed , be foolish and a misreading of history to do so .
6 The Legal Affairs Minister , Roger Chonwe , declared that to detain people without charge would be illegal and an abuse of human rights .
7 improving decision making which might otherwise be slower and a result of compromise because of differentiated authority ;
8 Kitchen facilities are available and a range of office services .
9 Your windows are open and a gust of wind carries off loos papers left on your desk .
10 Some of them are American and a subset of them have this risible attitude that they can get away with just making loads of noise and , as long as the audience is in a similarly altered state of mind , no-one will be the wiser .
11 Mainz was a see where Staufen interests were strong and a majority of the princes elected Lupold , bishop of Worms , a strong adherent of Philip , and a man of few scruples .
12 Robert Beale , clerk to the Privy Council , advised councillors and secretaries of state ‘ to avoid opinion of being new-fangled and a bringer-in of new customs ’ .
13 When the news was fully appreciated the delegates according to The BDN , " were uncontrollable and a sea of hands raced through the air in deaf applause . "
14 Well , it is abnormally low body weight for age and height , an intense fear of gaining weight despite being underweight and a misperception of body size and denial of the problem .
15 Seven healthy adult volunteers ( six men , aged 21–43 years ) underwent gastric intubation studies At 07:30 , after an overnight fast , approximately 300 ml of water were drunk and a sample of all urine passed subsequently was saved .
16 Discussions in the Conferences , particularly that on Political Union , were difficult and a series of uneasy compromises in particular fields was struck at Maastricht , some of which have won few supporters .
17 The trapdoor in the floor is intact and a set of stone steps below lead down to the basement , location 3a .
18 Control over monetary policy is political and a lack of control over it is undemocratic .
19 Implied in this is a view of faith that is unrealistic and a view of doubt that is unfair .
20 It 's impossible and a waste of time . ’
21 In the tables a rating of 1 is given to conditions in which most annoyance is likely and a rating of 5 for those conditions in which the weather will give most help in dispersing and diluting odours .
22 Er and similarly the syntax of languages are often said to be oppressive of women , a lot of the way that language is structured and a lot of the words that you get in a language , that 's another thing that 's said .
23 The story is apocryphal and an instance of the way Minton 's life took on the quality of myth .
24 Our approach , therefore , focuses on essential themes in multimedia information , providing an overview of the technological environment from which it is emerging and an assessment of the key areas of application in which multi-media may become most influential .
25 ‘ This growth is dynamic and a result of all the competitive activity of all the ferry companies , ’ he added .
26 Of the external walls and gates of the palace , the west wall is missing and a number of towers .
27 Some authors maintain that effective gastrectomy is essential for cure , while others suggest that surgery alone is insufficient and a combination of chemotherapy and surgery is better .
28 There is a challenge in doing something that is difficult and a sense of achievement when it is finished , especially when the audience applauds .
29 If the diagnosis is uncertain and an array of diagnostic tests is required , then the patient is bound to be anxious both about the tests and the potential results , and inevitably , is worried if surgery is prescribed .
30 But if it is new and a lot of people go there , they will be angry , and it will be difficult to buy it .
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