Example sentences of "[be] [adj] of [adj] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In its great jaws were dozens of sharp and curving teeth .
2 This small storage room is full of old and rotted roots and tubers , sacks of rotted and musty-smelling grain , barrels of reeking and vinegary wine and beer , jars of moulded fruits , and suchlike .
3 In relation to PSD aims , level one competences are achieved with a high degree of tutor support and close supervision , level two with limited support and supervision , and at level three the emphasis is on the responsibility of the student to organise his/her activities — the tutor 's role is one of stimulating and monitoring progress and being available on a consultative basis .
4 David had this little compartment and used to spend his whole time in a Japanese kimono with his guitar and a bottle of this horrible Reisling wine that was full of alkaline and gave you splitting headaches , but it was all there was .
5 It is obvious that Smith 's assessment is coloured by his self-revealing remark that ‘ Coleman had never done a day 's soldiering in his life , and for that reason alone was incapable of leading and directing ’ .
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