Example sentences of "[be] [adj] that it [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , the chances are high that it is sitting atop an ancient tectonic boundary that runs east-west under the Mediterranean — this is where the African and Eurasian plates are in contention .
2 Although this is designed for individual use , its flexibility and generality are such that it is seen as worth describing here .
3 Sir Nicholas Goodison , chairman of the National Art Collection Fund , said : ‘ This sale is a lost opportunity for British public collections , but I am glad that it is staying in the country .
4 I am sure that it is shared on both sides of the House , as it is from the Dispatch Box .
5 Essex education officers are concerned that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find an alternative school for excluded pupils and to match up exam courses .
6 The animal will be aware of its prey in that it consciously perceives , pursues , and devours it , but it will be unaware that it is doing these things for the sake of satisfying its wants .
7 And I think it is , we would all agree , that it is essential that an agreement which is acceptable to all sides is reached , and I 'm sure that it 's going to be because let us not forget that we 're not in business to remain in perpetual opposition if we are to achieve proper rights for employees , which have been so reduced by the Conservatives if we are to save the welfare state , which is now so under threat if we are to obtain decent health and education services , which are also under threat if we are to create a strong economy and a strong recovery which provides the jobs which we so desperately need then we must win power !
8 However your event looks , you still have to be sure that it 's going to sound good as well .
9 To move from the card that is already in your machine to any accelerated card , you need to be sure that it is going to do what you want it to do .
10 In any event , the Purchaser will wish to be satisfied that it is acquiring a viable Business which has the right amount of saleable stock and working equipment .
11 If it 's man and wife arguing , or man , female arguing , and they 're the only two in this place , and I 'm satisfied that it 's gon na be quiet , and there 's no injuries to each other and it 's not gon na flare up , then that 's a domestic , that you can be quite happy with .
12 ‘ About 2,500 people receive disability working allowance and I am anxious that it is increased as quickly as possible ’ , he said , and admitted that claimants may have confused DWA with disability living allowance and claimed the wrong one .
13 Thus it is clear that it is owing to her body that a woman is defective . )
14 As a general rule , when the demand for a resource is such that it is allocated for two thirds of the available time , then programs spend twice as long waiting for the resource as using it .
15 Nor from the point of view of the speaker , is there any hard and fast boundary between these and a non-restrictive adjective used in order to make explicit some property , when it is suspected that the hearer is unaware that it is implied by the use of the noun , as with poisonous in : ( 10 ) she threw Maisie 's lunch-box out of the window because it had a poisonous red-back spider in it Note that ( 10 ) further exemplifies the fact that whether an adjective is taken as restrictive or not depends on the rest of the entity-identifying phrase rather than just on the head noun .
16 It 's good that it 's aimed at women .
17 If there is a deficiency it is important that it is corrected by good diet and appropriate nutritional supplements .
18 ‘ It is essential that it is backed by community leaders in order to raise funds , ’ he said .
19 The review is designed to identify substantive points rather than minor drafting matters and it is essential that it is carried out in sufficient time to enable any major issues to be dealt with .
20 That 's what hanging on to there cos like it 's just like erm the Party 's worried that it 's getting a bit left behind and needs
21 Given the pre-eminence of the multi-national corporation in international development , it is surprising that it is accorded so little attention in development literature … .
22 Dr Tony Martin , a whale biologist at the Sea Mammal Research Unit in Cambridge , said : ‘ It is marvellous that it 's worked and hopefully people both here and internationally will now have a better idea of how to solve a similar problem .
23 Once established , even man finds it difficult to change his trend of mind , even if he is aware that it is leading to his downfall .
24 The ‘ Action Men ’ are aware that it is used as a term of abuse and often become angry when it is applied to them .
25 Although the casualty department has been closed for two years Mr Dale said it was imperative that it is opened because of its close proximity to London 's third airport .
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