Example sentences of "[be] [adj] that [pron] was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But in the end , I am sure that it was with the public at large that his influence counted most .
2 ‘ I 'm sure that it was after two and before half-past , but I ca n't get closer than that . ’
3 A contemporary Christ Church gospel book records the entry of Cnut and his brother Harald into confraternity with the community , and although Cnut could simply have given them Harald 's name , it is possible that he was in England in 1016 , as Thietmar says , remained with Cnut , went to Canterbury , and returned to Denmark with part of the fleet after the payment of 1018 .
4 This is generally called the tepidarium but it is doubtful that it was in fact such a room for it would have been too immense to heat and no hypocausts have been discovered under it .
5 From Manners ' remarks in Parliament on 18th February , it is clear that he was by then already familiar with Scott 's proposals although the detailed drawings were not sent to his office until 3rd March .
6 It is interesting that he should have first obtained benefices in the north ; in the late thirteenth century very many royal clerks were beneficed in the province of York , and it is clear that he was in the king 's service by 1262 , acting as a proctor for Henry III in the French court .
7 It is interesting that it was in the same period as that of the large-scale production of holy prints on paper that the ( moveable ) canvas began to replace the wall-fresco as the most common base material for painting .
8 Jones has given talks about muon catalysed fusion all over the USA and in Europe , so it is ironic that it was after speaking at his new home institution , Brigham Young University , on 12 March 1986 that the seminal interaction occurred with Paul Palmer .
9 ‘ I do n't suppose it 's impossible that he was in the thing , but as to screaming , do n't you think he left it a bit late ? ’
10 Among the hero 's many adventures the twelve labours imposed by Eurystheus are only listed later ; but the regular list corresponds to the choice here and it is likely that it was in fact these twelve carvings at the heart of Greece 's greatest sanctuary that determined the canon .
11 It is probable that it was during the period which is termed the ‘ dawn of civilisation ’ that the first primitive acts of homage or deference to a ‘ god ’ occurred , and if this were so it could be an indication that the need for a ‘ god ’ is fundamental to the civilising process .
12 It was strange that she was in no way jealous of Jessie being her father 's choice for betterment , because Jessie herself had n't wanted to go to the Secretarial School , nor had her mother wanted her to go .
13 It was clear that he was in no condition to get himself home unaided .
14 She was convinced that he was in reality quite fond of them both .
15 Eileen came on leave on 28 August and it was fortunate that she was with her mother .
16 I was lucky that she was in most of my lessons but the lessons that she was n't in I would sit with the other friends from Stonham Aspel .
17 John Hutt , Governor of Western Australia , was thrilled that it was to be an Englishman who was to dispel the mists of ornithological obscurity from the continent .
18 But she could not see all the way , it was feasible that he was on a lower flight and she would come face to face with him .
19 He was sure that it was at Aros .
20 It was plain that he was in no hurry to execute it .
21 This must be why Parliament saw as necessary the duality of the parole system : without the advice and recommendation of a body capable of assessing the risk of early release the Secretary of State was not to act : but , having received such advice and recommendation , he was to authorise early release only if he himself was satisfied that it was in the public interest that he should .
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