Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [coord] it [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The performances individually are ok but it seems the tactics are wrong .
2 The Shorthorn/Highland first cross has always been popular but it took the concerted efforts of the three Cadzow brothers on an island off the west coast of Scotland to consolidate the virtues of the cross and turn it into a genuine breed , the Luing , named after the island of its origin .
3 The British public were cautious and it took the Second World War to inspire a new , and more forward-looking , attitude to the problem of dealing with the economy and unemployment .
4 ‘ The scale of the initiative is huge but it offers the opportunity of becoming involved in one of Europe 's major urban regeneration projects , ’ said Mr Bethel .
5 Where he exceeded expectation and all precedents was in making the ban total , but this clearly was just the element which was negotiable and it had the effect of extending the king 's patronage of both church and laity .
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