Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [coord] [is] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As in the case of the classical neurosis , the ego remains weak and ineffectual where the issues of the conflict are concerned and is just as much at its mercy .
2 Unless any cash payment is passing which is required by the husband for the purchase of another property , a contract would appear to be unnecessary and is certainly not required if the transaction is to be carried out following a court order ( whether by consent or otherwise ) as application can always be made to the court for the terms of the order to be carried out ( see Chapter 8 ) .
3 The Summer Ale is designed to be light and is only about 3.6 per cent alcohol .
4 Where once Hammett and Chandler bestrode the world of Californian crime and corruption like colossuses , now private-eyes like Joseph Hansen 's Dave Brandstetter ( who happens to be homosexual but is otherwise completely in the classic pattern ) an Robert B. Parker 's Spenser ( who happens to work in Boston and be a gourmet cook ) work their contemporary beats in almost exactly the old way .
5 As we have seen elsewhere , the wording of statutes tends to be general and is therefore frequently ambiguous ; thus when a case revolves around what a statute actually says , judges have a good deal of discretion which they will exercise according to their view of what the law requires .
6 Brief counselling , consisting of exploration of symptoms and social difficulties , reassurance and advice , need not be time-consuming and is generally more acceptable to patients than psychotropic drugs ( Catalan et al. 1984a , b ) .
7 Putting the ‘ political kingdom ’ first has been expensive and is now self-evidently an expense which Africa can no longer afford .
8 The temptation to use the " substantival-adjectival " technique is great and is far too common in technical writing .
9 It should be added that relapse is uncommon and is almost certainly less common than reinfection as a cause of reappearance of active syphilis .
10 In Muslim countries , green — the colour of Mohammed 's coat — is sacred and is very rarely used as a predominant colour ; but it forms an important part of the dyer 's palette in non-Muslim cultures , particularly China ; here , the sacred colour is yellow , in which the Emperor traditionally dressed .
11 The quality is variable but is generally vastly inferior to the genuine itemm .
12 As Lord Richard said most eloquently and correctly in another place , the only new element of the offence is that it is non-violent and is almost certainly conducted without conspiracy or the involvement or others .
13 The precise number of peers temporal is unknown but is most probably well in excess of a thousand , most of whom , however , never sit .
14 She ran the village post office until she was 80 and is still actively involved in the community .
15 Coade stone is a kind of fired ceramic , whose recipe was secret and is still not entirely understood , which provided a hard smooth surface that was resistant to frost .
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