Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [adv] [prep] [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , Walter 's objections had been strong enough for them to yield a little .
2 AXL ROSE proves that even lanky ginger hair and a wispy beard ca n't put girls off — provided you 're famous enough for them to think you 're a really big Gun .
3 There are three actually for you to choose from ! ’
4 Indeed it is a credit to Wilko that the board have been confident enough in him to compete at the highest levels in the transfer market .
5 It had been tricky enough for him to help the women to whom he had no commitment even though he felt the deepest pity for them , but to help McAllister , whom he loved so dearly — how was he to do that ?
6 And you 'll find our billing methods are flexible enough for us to agree whichever best fits in with your existing accounting system and credit period preference .
7 Will he assure us that next week 's debate will be far-reaching enough for us to explain that in the early days of the Conservative Government — 1979 and 1980 — we had to repay massive debts incurred by the previous Labour Government and that since then we have religiously cut taxation ?
8 The noise may be loud enough for you to feel the vibration : the disco seems to hit more than one 's ear — the very room vibrates !
9 Would n't it be simpler just for him to marry Fatima again ? ’
10 Baird rarely adds eggs to the purée as the scallop meat tends to be firm enough without them to absorb a fair amount of cream .
11 The binoculars should be powerful enough for you to see what you want but not so bulky that you find them too heavy and awkward to hold for any length of time .
12 Yet she may do ; and it is certainly a legitimate move in this revised game to be curious enough about it to ask .
13 is the problem of soil erosion perceived to be important enough for them to unite on this issue so that their combined power leads to a coherent response ?
14 It wo n't be difficult then for me to let it be known that I do n't want you working here . ’
15 ‘ It will not be near enough for me to visit you often . ’
16 because he could n't get to there you see so I said well it 'll have to go now , well we 've got it shifted and it 's thrown away and , and that 's the end of that , so I says now when she does decide to come and she wants to be in here , well I said she 'll just have to carry a mattress in , and that 'll be alright just for her to sleep on
17 She tried however to pin her thoughts on other matters and , recalling that Ven had only returned to Mariánské Láznë in order to pick up some papers , she realised that , since they were important enough for him to make the four-hour return journey , he must want them to hand over to someone else .
18 One wore a black felt hat , and his shoulder-length hair and beard were silver enough for him to have known the beatnik era .
19 Since about 1938 Ho had been in China , first at the communist headquarters in Yenan then , apparently , with Chinese Nationalist forces , finally in Kwangsi and Yunnan which were close enough for him to attempt to resume contact with the Party inside Vietnam .
20 Cuvier had reconstructed extinct mammals , but here the analogies with living elephants , bears and rhinoceroses were close enough for nobody to doubt what they must have looked like .
21 The methods we have outlined will ensure that your will-power is strong enough for you to attain your goals .
22 ‘ Someone whose family is rich enough for her to meet the Khedive .
23 The car is travelling at about 100 mph on the straights and braking hard before corners ; but it is stable enough for me to make notes and so quiet in the leather and teak-lined cabin that we can easily hear each other through out helmets .
24 The fourth , I think is the effect that thirty six of them , remember it 's not older people , it 's not shelters affect on the medical centre , and my fifth reason is , I do n't believe that the plan , the , that er , the application we 've got is detailed enough for us to give permission for outline thirty six .
25 In the final analysis , students and teachers do not have a grasp of linguistic knowledge which is adequate enough for them to evaluate and make judgments about the methods/approaches/techniques which they are encouraged to adopt .
26 It is simple enough for him to show that a boxing match takes place within a general totality of ‘ boxing ’ , which is itself only ever present in any individual incarnation , for as a game each match is both an individual bout and something conducted according to general rules and a specific social tradition .
27 ‘ It is hard enough for me to run my practice here , seeing that I am that strange animal , a gentleman .
28 It is natural enough for them to want to acquire knowledge from their elders .
29 So it 's important that their writing is clear , is large enough for us to read , otherwise we 're going to have a really quite difficult job .
30 It 's hard enough for him to accept Angy 's shabby treatment of Rick , her lies about the ring and her deceit in letting him think she was carrying another man 's child .
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