Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] [adj] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You may try to do this by defining or explaining racism in terms which are specific to these two instances , but which also count you out .
2 Perhaps the swank had been right in that one respect when he jeered at Biff 's diligent efforts in the Scriptory …
3 We are grateful to all three counsel .
4 He named it Latimeria and informed an astonished world that a creature thought to have been extinct for 70 million years was still alive .
5 We are trying to populate a land which has been derelict for two thousand years with a people which has been scattered for two thousand years .
6 It is estimated that there are 6.5 to 8.5 million pavement accidents per annum , many more than road accidents .
7 If you 're eighteen to twenty four years old and you 're bringing up a child on your own .
8 Feeder and float tactics are equally productive , and catches are likely to top 100 lb with 200 lb possible from waters like the Shannon .
9 Detectives believe the same gunman may have been involved in all three killings , firing one shot before disappearing , and then leaving other terrorists to dismantle the rifle .
10 Since Spring 1992 , Doctus have been involved in some 40 improvement teams throughout the company whose work has covered a wide range of topics .
11 Like Dame Sirith , the dialogue of the Shipman 's Tale sets in front of the reader or audience a set of vignettes in which only two characters are present at any one time : the monk and the wife ( 89 – 208 ) , the wife and the husband ( 212 – 48 ) , the monk and the husband ( 255 – 92 and 342 – 64 ) and the husband and the wife ( 380 – 432 ) .
12 QAPACKMAX is the maximum number of QA requests which can be outstanding at any one time .
13 The budget proposed for 1991 would be lower by 1,350 million dinars , which would be achieved primarily by lowering provincial and republican contributions .
14 Thus collectors can get back to the sound of the original master-tape far more closely than would be possible with any 1955 disc , let alone a forgery of one .
15 In consequence no particular facet of the policy is seen to be peculiar to any one Division ; what is so for the profession generally is also true for the building surveyor ; we are all in the same boat .
16 In particular , can the utility function be shown to be separate between these two types of goods ?
17 Both logistically and procedurally it would be impossible for all four cases to be pursued to trial at the same time , and it was therefore natural for the Barclays ( Asia ) and West L.B. matters to be placed in relative suspense , whilst attention was concentrated on Carrian and B.M.F.L.
18 ‘ The girl was going to be unconscious in another two seconds , or have to submit .
19 Three quite separate elements may be involved , all or any of which may be present at any one time .
20 A closely related peptide sequence was found to be present in all three GGF molecules , namely GGF-I peptides 2 and 7 , GGF-II peptide 12 and GGF-III peptide 13 .
21 Do they want to plan for organic change or reap the fruit of a retail giant that might , no matter what the quality of the architecture , be redundant in another 25 years ?
22 Similarly , officials ( bureaucrats ) can also be involved in all three areas .
23 In such a large team it is inevitable that there will be frequent staff changes and several members of the team will be inexperienced at any one time .
24 Certainly the emphasis on mathematics in everyday contexts and the more central role given to practical mathematical tasks , such as measuring , in many of the newer schemes and syllabi should be helpful in all three cases .
25 The tide was still falling , and should be safe for another three hours or so .
26 No we 'd be happy with twenty five hectares .
27 The following parts will be concerned with these two ways in which natural justice and fairness could operate .
28 Copies of archived material should be available within twenty four hours .
29 The project leader , who will be one of these two representatives , is likely to act as chairman of the development team .
30 As I said earlier this year , there will not be enough of any one crop to give self-sufficiency , but the contribution this small plot has made to the good budget has ten times repaid the outlay on seeds and materials .
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