Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] [v-ing] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now most people that come to see us have never been involved in designing or writing ads .
2 A small pair of scissors , about 15cm ( 6in ) long are useful for trimming or unpicking .
3 Your army also contains troops which are good at pinning or delaying the enemy , for example large Goblin units , Fanatics , pump wagons , Snotlings , etc .
4 All are concerned with organising or adjusting the LIFESPAN system facilities , and include creating new users , arranging times of shut downs , displaying and updating process model details , displaying and updating user details and allocating charge codes .
5 It provides options which are concerned with organising or adjusting the LIFESPAN system facilities , and includes creating new users , administration of process model functionality , arranging times of shut downs , displaying and updating user details and allocating charge codes .
6 The central proposals , ie that District Health Authorities should receive an allocation based on their population and should be responsible for providing or acquiring health care services to meet the needs of that population , are fundamentally Type I. However , there are several proposals in Working for patients which introduce elements of a Type II system into the activities of DHAs .
7 The new regulation reinforces the principle of " self-sufficiency " , namely that waste should be dealt with as close as possible to the point of production and that countries should be responsible for processing or dumping their own waste .
8 The money in the conservation fund would be available for buying or safe-guarding ‘ sensitive areas of community interest ’ .
9 Their effectiveness in this model and in three other models of gut derived endotoxaemia would indicate that these adsorbents may be successful in treating or preventing systemic endotoxaemia in inflammatory bowel disease .
10 Whatever the legal outcome might be , animal activists have been successful in stopping or limiting the exploitation of wild populations .
11 Once you are afflicted with this inverted mentality in which every thing that exists is a pale shadow of some abstract general principle , expressed in a compound-noun sandwich , you are incapable of seeing or saying anything clearly .
12 Such texts are incapable of analysing or explicating social inequality as government policy or placing the trade union and working-class struggle in a wider political and historical context .
13 Regulation of the work flow by turning away instructions ( when this is possible without offending or losing good clients ) is a necessary part of job and personnel management .
14 The reason that knowing is different from guessing or dreaming is that knowledge implies an unspoken submission to what is real or thought to be real .
15 Steve will then er arrange one of the days the most convenient to himself and Mr , and since Lynn and Peter are able to accommodate eith any of those three dates , we 'll circulate to other councillors er if anybody else is interested in commenting or providing information .
16 Its range extends from bass to alto but it is most happy in the tenor register , where it is effective in sustaining or filling in the harmony .
17 In its place pragmatism poses the analogy of the craftsman who is involved in making or doing , not by reference to some ideal model , but in accordance with the cumulative product of experience .
18 The head is removable for washing or autoclaving .
19 Our data do not allow us determine whether HBIG is deneficial in preventing or ameliorating recurrent HBV .
20 He was frequently sick , though the doctor could find nothing physically wrong with him , took to borrowing money which he did not pay back , and was averse to working or changing his clothes .
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