Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [adj] [adj] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You 're all competent sensible drivers I 'm sure , and erm no doubt that you feel quite happy with the manner in which you perform your functions on the road .
2 Yeah they 're all nice nice girls you know this is like the other week we was here playing the other team and one of the other team was swearing you know , and particularly you know the girls in , might have not they have the they used to play for Black Bear and you know the that lady that 's up there , she still swears and we stopped her from here used to f this , f that and f the other , we did , we stopped her said if you ca n't find a better word than that to use I should n't bother , you know As you know Shirl do n't like that .
3 ‘ So where are all these good-looking women you were going to invite ? ’ he asked his editor .
4 ‘ So where are all these bleedin' Germans we 've been told so much about ? ’
5 Well I shall want something because there are all those French photographs I 've got .
6 Oh well it 's gon na be another forty five minutes I must admit I have sympathy for the people who are going to listen to this .
7 So if there are any further specific details you need do not hesitate to call into or telephone the : Tourist Information Centre .
8 If there were any genuine cultural universals it could well be that they are universal because they are " natural " , i.e. a part of our genetic endowment .
9 Indeed , even after the first wave of evacuation had taken place it was the view of the Board of Education that ‘ if there were any further large-scale evacuation it would probably be a hasty one , occasioned by sudden and serious bombing .
10 Our revised version is the result of the following organisational changes : ( a ) We put " career as a London playwright " into a larger section called " biographical details " , because there are other relevant biographical points we will want to make .
11 Or is that another small point you 've failed to notice ? ’ she added bitterly .
12 But she did say on one occasion , after Cassie had been home for about two days : ‘ How 's that nice young man we met , Cassie ?
13 Because the f the county 's forty one thousand figure I I 'll give you a different answer on th on the effect of that if the H B F's forecasts are the most accurate , .
14 Bill has n't actually finished his permanently in the drivers , but they ca n't so he choose the one that 's got to go , but in the meantime there 's these two other guys they closed down , and er , these two buyers they got redundancy money , they drive and they can go through there and still work so they 've got the money but still work at so there coining it in .
15 Now that does n't the Kipsigy was just the study of the erm you know it 's a good statistical it 's good hard-hat social science you know with distribution and everything it 's all good stuff , erm they do n't say that , where we do know this is something I have researched myself very carefully , the Australian Aborigines erm we have rich data on this and I 've read an awful lot of it and I compared notes with world authorities like David McKnight and erm erm what 's his name erm Shapiro authority on this , and they agree that er that 's definitely what happens .
16 And we had to go and do the washing up and they were sitting in the erm in the kitchen choosing their Christmas presents from the Argos catalogue oh that 's nice , ooh it 's five ninety nine Jenny I 'm serious .
17 If you are still greedy for high , pastoral places to spend the day in , there is one other exhilarating excursion you can make from Saint-Jean , to the south-east , up the valley of a stream called the Laurhibar .
18 In addition there is one important new route I would like to be considered : an east-west route running from Macmerry via New Winton to the B6371 at Buxley , and continuing via North Elphinstone , West Mains and Crookston to Whitecraig .
19 Well er , probably about er in them days they used to call them twelve score and then so it 'd be twelve , two 's or something that 's two hundred forty pounds I suppose like , you know and er , but most of the people er .
20 But where there are sellers there are buyers , and it was this latter rare species we had set our sights on .
21 Was this some indigent artist he had picked up with in Paris ?
22 Damian Flint , the man she admired so much , thought she was some cheap little floozy he could get into bed while taking Swift at the same time .
23 as if this was some peculiar new word he 'd not heard before .
24 Then he looked it up and found it was some priceless Tsarist cross he 'd turned down .
25 erm I would keep going so that , that does n't worry me but it was all these other things I was trying
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