Example sentences of "[be] [verb] which [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 It has always been there — from the suffragettes to the Women 's Institute — but many of the older forms have become outmoded and new ones are needed which are relevant to the modern age .
2 A template had been forged which was subject to only minor modifications over time .
3 Water volume can be a problem as about 10–15 litres a minute are produced which is equivalent to the flow of a running tap .
4 Unfortunately , no single definition of a singularity has yet been found which is applicable to all situations .
5 Ideally , Newco should require the vendor to disclose any items in the assets to be sold which are subject to the capital goods scheme .
6 Putrid black parches occur in the sand and hydrogen sulphide may be produced which is fatal to marine organisms .
7 In this and the three following sections a number of general concepts will be introduced which are applicable to all , or at least most , paradigmatic lexical relations .
8 In the same way as discussed in section 3.1 that a plane can be found which is tangential to a curved two dimensional surface , a Minkowski space can always be found to match space–time locally .
9 This is subject to an overriding provision that nothing in the relevant Rule or in any order or direction of the court made by virtue of it authorises or requires the doing of anything in a country in which service is to be effected which is contrary to the law of that country .
10 ‘ An awful lot of things are changing which is foreign to Anfield because it used to be a very friendly club . ’
11 However , each module places different demands on the student and those responsible for programme design and guiding students in the selection of modules should bear these demands in mind , so that modules are taken which are appropriate to interest , experience and previous attainment .
12 For the rest , standards of literacy were offered which were appropriate to the needs of an industrial workforce .
13 During 1992 two major projects were published which are relevant to this project .
14 In all cases , official assistance is optional ; service by private means will always satisfy the English rules , provided nothing is done which is contrary to the law of the state in which service is to be effected .
15 When stocks are held which are unlikely to be sold within the turnover period normal to a company , the impending delay in realisation increases the risk that deterioration or obsolescence will occur before the stocks are sold .
16 An alternative structure was devised which is similar to the finite-state recogniser in figure 3.8 , having labelled edges .
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