Example sentences of "[be] [verb] for [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For example , in the provisions for extension of time , an extension may be given if the works are delayed for any reason beyond the control of the contractor ( a clause of much wider scope , incidentally , than in other JCT contracts ) , and the contractor is not required to provide information to assist the supervising officer in making an extension .
2 Index figures are calculated for each artist in each succeeding year .
3 Example tasks are given for each skill in relation to a particular content area .
4 A number of different dates are given for these events in Molla Husrev 's career by various authors , both early and late .
5 These auxiliaries may be used when required at the discretion of the individual cataloguer ( unlike DC where specific instructions are given for most applications of the Tables or the ‘ add to ’ device ) .
6 They are peaceful people , too , and many of them have been persecuted for that love of peace : Arthur Raistrick , Yorkshire Dalesman and the greatest living Dales historian , was imprisoned as a pacifist during the First World War , while in earlier times , the Quakers led by William Penn fled to America where they founded Pennsylvania , the capital city of which is Philadelphia , the city of brotherly love .
7 ‘ At the alleged places of detention , ’ Mr Ahtisaari said , ‘ the facilities were found to have been stripped of all valuable material and not to have been inhabited for several weeks at least . ’
8 I am convinced that stuff had been accumulating for many years in this cellar and that Ernest Griffiths had no idea what was in there .
9 It makes it easier , in principle , to ‘ see ’ how many hypotheses are competing for some portion of an utterance , for example , and to decide which are the most promising given the evidence .
10 • In rodents , rhythms continue to develop in animals that have been reared for several generations in constant conditions .
11 The previous half-year figures have been adjusted for this change in presentation .
12 Further details can be obtained from The holidays are designated for all Christians of all denominations alike .
13 ‘ I do n't know what he meant , ’ Allen said after they had been walking for some time on the soft turf at the verge of the track .
14 Much will depend on how it seeks to solve the long-running debate about merging income tax and the national insurance system ; whether benefits , including pensions , are to be universal or selective ; and , if selective , how the state is to deal with obligations to people who have been contributing for many years to what they were told was national insurance .
15 Good God , Teddy , the US arms industry has been praying for this war for years .
16 Artists are booked for these sessions by individual ‘ commissioning producers ’ , who are responsible for the shows which feature sessions .
17 No I did n't Stefan , we 've been blamed for some things in our time , have n't we but
18 Several of the Board 's leading civil servants had been pressing for more equality in provision .
19 It , too , is based on a detailed classification of occupations ( similar , though not identical , to those of the OPCS ) , which are grouped for many purposes into three social classes :
20 The gall bladder epithelium has been considered for many years to be an excellent model for the study of the physiological properties of epithelial cells and in particular ion transport .
21 Some companies , such as Amway , manufacturers of the world 's first biodegradable household cleaning product , LOC ( Liquid Organic Cleaner ) , have been committed for many years to environmentally sound principles in the formulation , manufacture , packaging and distribution of their products .
22 However , top management became aware that all of the work-force reductions , although necessary , were not attacking the basic problem : the organization had been designed for another time in history rather than for the competitive world in which it now lived .
23 He reported a spawning in alkaline tapwater to which a teaspoon of salt had been added for each gallon of water .
24 Tonight the police said they are checking for any similarities with previous attacks .
25 In New York , visitors to the Studio Museum have been prepared for this recasting of Lam by a retrospective of his works on paper at the Americas Society , which travels to Barcelona 's Fundacio ‘ La Caixa ’ on 21 January .
26 We 've been looking for this car as part of a murder investigation .
27 The City and the Confederation of British Industry had been looking for some indication of earlier participation in the exchange rate mechanism of the EMS .
28 The implants used to replace the hip are manufactured for this market by a dozen or so companies , many of which are multinationals with their main marketing base in the United States .
29 Examples are searching for all occurrences of a given pattern or even comparing two students ' work where copying is suspected .
30 Their meaning is not easily grasped by those who have spent some time studying the Christian faith , and yet the church still presents these complicated extracts from the Bible and the ASB to people who may never have heard the name of God spoken reverently before , and who are searching for some germ of belief to help them understand the vacuum created by the death of the person they love .
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