Example sentences of "[be] [verb] is [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The actual transmission of letters rogatory to the authority to which they are addressed is governed by Article 4 which allows six possible modes of transmission .
2 Rather than an ordinary ScreenShow in which the order in which the slides are shown is determined in advance you can create an interactive HyperShow in which the viewer decides what to see next .
3 The van the teams will be using is provided by Broxhead motors .
4 Some indication of the disparities to be explained is contained in Table 2.1 .
5 And the assumption that they can be given is grounded on faith alone .
6 In the figure , the main information to be recalled is shown in block letters , while the logical relationships are shown in lower case letters at the nodes ( joining points ) of the lines .
7 In the light of Government protestations that safety is of the highest order , the idea that that service should be privatised is brought into focus .
8 A much better example of how the basic allocation is to be done is shown in Prowle , Jones & Shaw , and I reproduce it in Table 3. 1 with acknowledgement to them .
9 All that remains to be said is incised on stone , and the living go around silently with long faces and glances that mean ‘ I ca n't tell you how sorry I am , but I do know how you feel . ’
10 The information to be entered is described at Section 4 .
11 The package to be updated is read from LIFESPAN , updated to reference the modules to be incorporated in the baseline , and then entered back into LIFESPAN .
12 ( The exact procedure to be followed is described in Section 3.1 . )
13 However , this is not done where Ord 17 r 11 ( automatic directions ) applies , unless the case had been set down for hearing in the High Court before transfer or a request for a day for hearing to be fixed is made under Ord 17 , r 11(3) ( d ) .
14 The way that these forms of social control can be mobilised is illustrated by newspaper coverage of the events of Bloody Sunday , 30 January 1972 ( see Chapter 5 ) .
15 The fact that the social desirability of not appearing to be prejudiced is linked in discourse to its expression means that an analysis of the ideology , or the wider pattern of ideas , should not avoid the theme of ‘ prejudice ’ .
16 An explanation of how variables are stored is given at Annex E.
17 An impressive overview of the context in which contemporary French theory is being thought is offered by Alice Jardine in Gynesis : Configurations of Women and Modernity ( 1985 ) .
18 The historical pattern by which some theoretical concepts in geology were constructed is described by Rudwick in his masterly work on the introduction of the concept of the Devonian geological System in the nineteenth century .
19 A second visit to provide expert advice on the running of a laboratory in which mineral exploration samples are analysed is planned for May 1991 .
20 The way in which additions are handled is shown in Fig. 7.5(b) ; the same additions have been made , but have resulted in index and data block splitting , so that no records are in ‘ overflow ’ .
21 The " something " which is said is called by Guillaume an " import of meaning " ( 1984 : 120 – 2 ) and corresponds on the linguistic level to the lexeme or non-grammatical part of the word 's meaning .
22 Filetab is trying to prevent a firm called Ace Microsystems from selling a computer program on the grounds that the language in which it is written is owned by Filetab .
23 The proposed design activity on which this is based is shown in Figure 1.9 .
24 To assume it is known is accepted for illustration , but this does not push analysis very far .
25 What is known is ignored in assessments of genetic technology .
26 If a group of finds whose date is known is found with others of unknown date , it is likely that all the finds are contemporary , although if this association of finds happens only once , doubt lingers about its accuracy .
27 Each time you re-program , the Form Program will also discontinue as well as the stitch patterns , unless the design you are knitting from has a specially written Form program where the Form is chopped is chopped into sections as well .
28 The message is initially held in memory , and when the call is finished is written to disk .
29 in whom the power to discontinue any criminal proceedings at any stage before judgment is delivered is vested by section 94(3) ( c ) of the Constitution of Jamaica , considered that the plea of guilty to manslaughter should not have been accepted and decided to discontinue the proceedings in this case in order that the defendant might be charged with the murder on a fresh indictment .
30 So far as I am aware , this was the first occasion on which it was made clear that the period which elapses before a prisoner serving a life sentence is released is determined by consideration of two factors , namely : ( i ) the period necessary to satisfy retribution and deterrence , which has come to be called ‘ the tariff ; ’ and ( ii ) a possible further period if it is thought by the Parole Board and/or the Secretary of State that the prisoner would pose an unacceptable risk of danger to the public were he to be released at the end of his tariff period .
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