Example sentences of "[be] [verb] to be [adj] with " in BNC.

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1 But you are expected to be competent with such material even if you feel this is not what you would eventually choose to work with .
2 It is frustrating that women are expected to be happy with the traditional women 's jobs .
3 Where the degree course and the HNC/HND course have not been designed to be integral with each other , students seeking entry to the degree course on the basis of the HNC/HND will normally need to take two further academic years of full-time study for a Degree and three further academic years of full-time study for an Honours Degree ( or the part-time equivalents ) .
4 Sponsors Dunlop are said to be unhappy with it and wanted it axed from the 1993 calendar .
5 Next time , look for the Cotton USA Mark and , whatever the cut or colour , you 'll know you 're going to be comfortable with it .
6 So whatever the design , you 'll know you 're going to be comfortable with it .
7 ‘ You 're going to be angry with me and then we 'll agree it was the only way to strike against any possible opposition .
8 You 're in a mess , William , and you 're trying to be devious with me .
9 Most significantly , the structure of many rifts examined by seismic methods has been shown to be asymmetric with most of the downthrow occurring along a major boundary listric fault on one side of the rift .
10 What is wrong , however , is the comparison which places universities at the top because they are thought to be concerned with the abstract and academic , polytechnics below , because of their more technological emphasis ( which is itself , as often as not , a myth ) , and which deems schools to be worth considering only if they are seen as primarily devoted to academic ‘ standards ’ , imposed from above by the universities themselves .
11 Such people are going to be disappointed with what follows , for I shall merely continue to look critically at some of the concepts to which she has given prominence .
12 Alternatively , just hang plants from hooks above the window , or stand small pots of plants along the windowsill , making sure that the ones you select are going to be happy with the kind of light , temperature and humidity you are providing .
13 Few have been sectioned , though the central pair are known to be contemporary with the main phase of the east-west road .
14 Modems in Computer Room had been found to be incompatible with our telephone system and should be disposed of .
15 Actress June Brown , 65 , had been rumoured to be unhappy with some storylines and upset when market stall holder Pete Beale played by Peter Dean was axed .
16 These will be called Scottish Vocational Qualifications ( SVQs ) , will encompass the competences identified by Industry Lead Bodies and will be designed to be compatible with NVQs awarded in the rest of the UK .
17 Together these viewpoints have distorted the development of English education at the expense of a balanced provision in a system which could be expected to be concerned with the broad world of personal development , preparation for employment and providing for economic and community need , both local and national .
18 In the cities , where competition is intense , to be seen to be involved with clients at the top of the commercial ( and to a lesser degree social ) tree , publicity will take very different forms , but whether it comprises the full page recruitment advertisement or a high ranking in some statistical table devised by the editors of a legal journal , a bigger than average spread in a legal directory or an article by one of its partners explaining some development unique to the firm , the message will be the same : we are professional people of the highest calibre who run their practice efficiently and with success ; we have earned the respect of our fellow professionals and the esteem of our clients who are themselves of comparable stature to ourselves .
19 Though the panther 's coat looks totally black , in certain lights it can be seen to be patterned with even darker spots .
20 The concept of parental rights in education could be said to be concerned with the ability of parents to extend the control they are able to exert within the family to their child 's formal education , thus protecting their ‘ interest ’ in the child .
21 The second section looks at the various legal provisions which can be said to be concerned with certain specific social and moral educational objectives : the law on sex and race discrimination , religious education and collective worship , sex education and the coverage of political issues in the classroom .
22 Bruges goes to bed early and can hardly be said to be throbbing with night-life .
23 We shall say that the word form cousin is general with respect to the distinction ‘ male cousin ’ / ’ female cousin ’ ; bank , on the other hand , will be said to be ambiguous with respect to the sense distinction ‘ financial institution ’ / ’ side of river ’ .
24 As a result of strong growth , firms hope to become sufficiently large to make a " name " and thus attract new issuers and build placing power , an objective that may be felt to be consistent with long term profit maximisation .
25 As for the conservation aim , there will initially be a greater , not a lesser , consumption of paper , if members are to be persuaded to be content with the summary , it will be necessary to undertake what the Regulations call a ‘ relevant consultation ’ which involves sending to each member both the full accounts for the financial year and a summary financial statement plus a postage-paid card on which he can make his choice for the future .
26 Well , after this latest upset , I 'm going to be firm with her .
27 Well I 'm going to be honest with you .
28 but having said he , having said all this though Marg I know I 'm going to be pleased with it .
29 Unless the principle that promises ought to be kept can be shown to be compatible with the appropriate respect for liberty , it offends liberalism by imposing a kind of moral paternalism .
30 ( viii ) They should be encouraged to be adventurous with vocabulary choices and should be taught how to use a children 's thesaurus .
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