Example sentences of "[be] [verb] at [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The pitch of each blade should be adjusted until both tips are running at exactly the same height , or tracking in exactly the same path .
2 In its efforts to raise revenue to pay off the debt , Maxxam has been logging at twice the usual rate .
3 Equation ( 6.17 ) implies that dividends are a constant proportion of share wealth ( P0 ) and are set at exactly the level necessary to enable that share wealth to deliver the same dividend in all future periods .
4 The rubber takes a grip on the shell and forces it between the rollers , which are set at just the right distance apart so that they crack the shell without damaging the kernel .
5 The air quality which results from this strategy depends upon ensuring that the charges are set at precisely the right level for all pollutants .
6 If the pipette is repeatedly driven head-on into the globule of cold glass a break can be produced at approximately the correct internal diameter .
7 Obviously all the planets that we see orbiting the sun must be travelling at exactly the right speed to keep them in their orbits , or we would n't see them there because they would n't be there !
8 But his blood seemed to be flowing at twice the normal Speed and he stood carefully , so that he could see the doorway .
9 In this respect the cinematic sign differs radically from the language of literature , where images are less likely to be taken at only the literal level .
10 Total capital expenditure , £852m in the 12 months to February , will be maintained at almost the same level in the current period .
11 Although financial director Michael Langley said that the product is approaching the end of its life , he believes ‘ there are a few years in it yet ’ , and expects 1993 sales levels to be maintained at roughly the same as 1992s .
12 If these variations pass through the criterion for instability ( such as the critical Reynolds number of the entry boundary layer ) , the instability can be renewed at just the same phase of each cycle and the flow will pulsate with a well-defined period .
13 Such heavy particles can not be created at even the highest energies particle accelerators can reach , but they could have been produced copiously in the aftermath of the big bang , with which , cosmologists generally believe , the Universe began .
14 Neither should one underrate the rig 's ability to work well with a processor in order to create the kind of modern guitar sounds which , in a mix , are voiced at exactly the right point to cut through …
15 Cups and saucers were arranged at just the right angle beside the small plates , and the bone-handled knives were correctly positioned to the right of each plate .
16 Yet they remained , practically and culturally , a fractional formation , and this can be seen especially with the advantage of hindsight , since it is now evident that they were expressing at once the highest values of the bourgeois tradition and the necessary next phase of a bourgeois social and cultural order .
17 Thanks to Halley 's efforts valuable observations of this kind were made at both the northern and southern edges of the path of the eclipse in 1715 .
18 Of course , the actual truth is that there 's different levels in everything , and while some of the worst Hawaiian records were released in the '40s and '50s , some of the greatest Hawaiian records were made at exactly the same time .
19 Throughout the decade the numbers in the School were maintained at almost the maximum level ( 100 in the Upper , Grammar School and 50 in the Lower , Free School ) ; more land was bought by the Company for playgrounds and gardens ; an extra room was added to Mr. Howell 's house at a cost of 150 .
20 But the Guildford Four were released at just the wrong time , and the government quietly put the scheme on the back burner — indefinitely , it would seem .
21 Besides , the subsidies implicit in the incentives were insufficient to offset the anti-export bias created by the NEP ‘ padding ’ and protectionism and were aimed at only the largest enterprises .
22 Until this time , record prices have been kept at exactly the same level in every shop in the country .
23 However , it is good practice to make sure that both your sale and your purchase file are kept at roughly the same level .
24 How much of the aspic you use depends on how tightly the layers are packed — the gelatine is used at twice the usual strength because the terrine juices will dilute it .
25 For example , one can calculate the probability that the universe is expanding at nearly the same rate in all different directions at a time when the density of the universe has its present value .
26 And if we look at the planets of our solar system , lo and behold , every single one of them is travelling at exactly the right velocity to keep it in its stable orbit around the Sun .
27 But , as the focal length of the projector increases , making the screen image smaller , the focal length of the camera lens is increasing at precisely the same rate ( zoom lenses commonly run from about 25mm to over 200mm in focal length ) .
28 It is aimed at both the interested amateur and the professional .
29 This is aimed at much the same audience as Graphics Works , but takes a difference approach by including Microsoft Publisher , along with Arts & Letters Apprentice 3.1 and Halo Desktop Imager ( for image capture conversion and improvement ) .
30 Both boats are aimed at precisely the same market .
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