Example sentences of "[be] [verb] they were [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Two have since been found they were advertised for sale in Darlington but the third , which she had as a foal , is still missing .
2 Perhaps when memories were made they were stored in the form of continuous reverberating circuits , endless electrical loops made by opening or closing synaptic connections ?
3 The next time they were counted they were put in piles of four .
4 When they had dried perfunctorily on the threadbare towels that were issued they were marched across the stamped snow of a path to the Store for the clothing issue .
5 And any any reso what I call resolutions that were passed they were sent to the proper departments of government .
6 When the ringleaders were captured they were tried by a special Assize Commission in Chichester in January 1749 ; judges and witnesses were protected by troops of soldiers who were also detailed to prevent a feared rescue attempt by large bands of smugglers which did not materialise .
7 It is said they were led along the secret paths by a traitor , these paths almost certainly being what we know as the Pilgrims , Way to Aylesford .
8 It 's believed they were shot after ignoring advice to turn back .
9 It 's believed they were left on nearby Sussex Drive by one of the car thieves as he made his escape .
10 So what would a a riveter have done then once they were once their job was completed they were put on the the on the street basically ?
11 I enquired where they cam from and was told they were imported from Holland , only in the one size , 6–7″ ( for economic reasons ) and that they cleaned the bottom of the pond .
12 She inquired at the trading standards department about the legality of catapults but was told they were sold at fishing tackle shops because anglers use them to hurl their bait into the water .
13 She had met her connection in the usual place but the moment the deal was struck they were busted by three plainclothes policemen who had been watching them from an unmarked car on the opposite side of the road .
14 When the danger was discovered they were re-exported to Finland .
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