Example sentences of "[be] [verb] up [coord] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Once the basic schedule has been drawn up and discussed and agreed with the client , and the budget committed , the media buyer goes out and buys the campaign .
2 Partly this is due to better treatment , but the lion 's share of the credit must go to the invention of the smear test , which means that small growths can be picked up and destroyed before they get out of hand .
3 Where judgment is given in a default action ( Ord 9 , r 6(1) ) for payment forthwith , it need not be drawn up or served unless a request to issue enforcement proceedings has not been made , or the plaintiff has abandoned part of his claim without amending his particulars of claim and serving the defendant , or where the judgment is interlocutory ( N 17 ) or where a Certificate for judgment under s 12 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 is to be sought ( Ord 22 , r 1(3) ) .
4 Common Law might enable the defrauded party to resist an action brought against him on the contract ; Equity could order the document to be handed up and destroyed or cancelled .
5 Useful points to look for are cord/cordless functions and travel cases so the shaver can be charged up and used while travelling .
6 But it truly is , Fenella. if the Robemaker is there , or even if one of his horrid spells — what they call Sentry Spells — is lurking , we 'd be taken up and captured before you could say Gruagach .
7 That the classical wooden-bodied Pullman cars of earlier days had long since been split up and sold or scrapped was no deterrent .
8 As a cyclist myself , I should like to make a personal request : if you should find it necessary to use a tractor-mounted flail hedge trimmer to cut the hedges please could you ensure that the hawthorn clippings are swept up and removed and not left in the road as a danger to cyclists .
9 The chair with the wobbly leg , the dented saucepans , the knives with loose handles , all were gathered up and restored if possible , mainly by Nigel , who , when I produced new casualties almost weekly as the season wore on , would sigh and say patiently , ‘ Put it on my bench , darling . ’
10 The older castles were patched up and redefended but the raids continued , increasing in severity ; it took almost twenty years before the authorities finally awoke to the extent of the problem .
11 I think if he 's making pronouncements which are being picked up and treated as very important , and they 're only being treated as important because of his position then he should be ba , getting his facts right !
12 If we investigate the origins of modern Constitutions , we find that , practically without exception , they were drawn up and adopted because people wished to make a fresh start , so far as the statement of their system of government was concerned .
13 Here he is , h h he has the very unpleasant duty of explaining and justifying the drafting of this measure a a and I do hope it would be , it would be really rather an unexpected realisation of an ambition , but nevertheless one hopes eternal if my Noble Friend were to get up and say that as a result these few remarks that I have been tempted to make that some kind of effort is going to be made to tidy up as th th the processes whereby er such stuff appears , is allowed to appear on the pages of the Statute Book er er I do recall that when the Charities Bill was going through several committees , my Noble Friend was n't who who was d d dealing with the Bill in , on behalf of the Government was exceedingly helpful and I hope that he will show the same degree of goodwill today er and , and , and er h if he 's very clear and devote is very considerable energies to persuading those professional obs obfuscators who are responsible for this kind of garbage to do better in the future .
14 I really was a little doll being dressed up and arranged and ornamented , 'she had become , like the Shah 's friends the Frimaldis of Monaco , a Paris Match person presented to massed readers as a fairy tale , a pretty commoner raised to royalty and yet retaining her human touch .
15 Participants in the meeting had been beaten up and taunted as " Yids " , and the raiders had launched into a diatribe from the platform featuring accusations that Jews , especially through their links with Bolshevism , were responsible for ruining Russia .
16 The other best bit about sleeping with Marie is waking up and seeing if she 's awake .
17 When he asked what this meant , he was convinced that he was to get up and go and join the church planting team .
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