Example sentences of "[be] [verb] up [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's been building up for some time , I think . ’
2 Free sparring accustoms beginners to being attacked and teaches them how to handle certain situations using the techniques they have been taught up to that stage .
3 Neither Galley nor his friends have ever been caught up in any incidents in Lothian Road .
4 I would like to announce that from now certain major sponsorship opportunities are opening up on this page .
5 Wallerstein elaborated the concept of the semi-periphery to describe such countries , and this idea has been picked up by many scholars as a useful tool in analyzing the NICs and , increasingly , those countries that are on the fringes of the First World , but not exactly in the Third World , like Ireland , Portugal , and the Balkan states ( for example , Mouzelis , 1986 ) .
6 A government spokesman confirmed on May 22 that China had conducted an underground nuclear test ; evidence of a major nuclear explosion had been picked up by several monitoring stations the previous day .
7 Aircraft parks are arranged in themes , warbirds all park together , homebuilts are parked up in another area , antiques and classics have a section all to themselves and so on .
8 Today , more than 100 million Europeans are gearing up for this winter 's invasion of the ski-slopes .
9 In terms of the way the issue had been considered up to this point there could have been no other answer .
10 But Hans , tell me , have you been mixed up in any rackets ? ’
11 In 1977 Richard Roll 5 published an article which cast doubt on the validity and methodology of the CAPM tests which had been done up to that time .
12 The financial resources of Abbey National are exceptionally strong and our reserves have been built up over many years through a combination of prudence and innovation .
13 Our tool kit has been built up over many years and we did n't have to buy much : a long tape measure , a new pickaxe handle , some new screwdriver bits ( we lost one down the cavity ) .
14 A reputation had been built up over several years for the use of computers in the fields of manpower planning , personnel statistics and other industrial relations applications .
15 A great deal of confidence has been built up in this system and NASA regularly publish reports of incidents notified to them , though of course without any reference to the individuals involved .
16 The company 's database of reactions contains information on over 500,000 compounds , and the expertise to operate many of these on a commercial scale had been built up from several decades of process development by Kodak , Eastman and Sterling .
17 ‘ Visible forms ’ , he wrote , ‘ are to edify , either by understanding , or when by affection the minds of the congregation are stirred up with that reverence , devotion , attention and due regard which in that case seemeth requisite , especially means which make a deep and strong impression on the eye . ’
18 ‘ I think Darlington fans are fed up with that policy . ’
19 The concept of the provings : the way in which the drug pictures are built up for each remedy .
20 In Latin America , relationships are built up in this way not just for personal support but , also , to promote commercial and political ends .
21 The stomach muscles are made up of several muscle groups , the most important being the rectus abdominis and the external oblique .
22 You like to confuse people , and then you suddenly charge at them and trample them underfoot while they 're caught up in that confusion .
23 And erm the erm your view is completely blocked altogether when you 're coming up to that roundabout , as you know they come up from erm Southfield Road and Divinity Road which comes up on to that roundabout , and erm I think it 's very very dangerous .
24 ‘ But I ca n't see why you 're putting up with such nonsense .
25 We 're setting up in another hangar and hope to be back in business soon .
26 More offices had been opened up in many countries .
27 and he said you know , he said they have n't been turning up at that chapel for them , when they 've preaching but you did n't crack on they knew anything about that but he just sort of said said no you know remain non-committal .
28 The truth is that Libya has been stiched up on several occasions since Libyan oil was nationalised in 1969 and Gaddafi refused to behave like the American client his predecessors used to be .
29 What he 'd been leading up to all week ?
30 The picture plane is further stressed by the device of dropping the small doors or openings below the bases of the buildings , and by the way in which some of the forms are opened up into each other and fused .
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