Example sentences of "[be] [verb] for some [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you are dismissed for some other reason unconnected with redundancy , you will have to consider whether the circumstances justify an unfair dismissal claim .
2 This draft response indicates which DTAC responses he has taken into account , and any member whose DTAC 's response has arrived late or has been omitted for some other reason can ensure that relevant points are not missed .
3 The medieval period sometimes attracts people who are looking for some general structure for the undergraduate curriculum which goes beyond a mere aggregation of subjects ( see , for example , MacCabe 's 1982 , proposals for a ‘ modern trivium ’ ) .
4 The wood at the back of the painting was deeply scored with a dagger as if someone had been searching for some secret crevice or compartment .
5 No statement which you make during the interview may be given in evidence against you unless : ( a ) you are prosecuted for making a statement which is false or misleading in a material particular ; or ( b ) you are prosecuted for some other offence and when giving evidence , you make a statement which is inconsistent with a statement made during the interview .
6 No in fact he 's not , he 's been arrested for some other crime .
7 Do be prepared for some honest advice , though .
8 And we 'll be looking for some general indication as to a location in a particular transport corridor .
9 He appeared to be searching for some key document .
10 Now she looked almost like a child about to be scolded for some minor misdemeanour .
11 This way of seeing the development of databases can be misleading because it should not be implied that either each new generation will replace the previous generation ( all these systems will be used for some foreseeable time in the future ) or that each new generation is necessarily better than the previous one ( the appropriateness or otherwise of an approach will depend on the organisation and its applications ) .
12 C-FDFC , C-FTBA and C-FYQS are expected to be flying for some considerable time , as the Freighter 's life is measured in landings , and each of the trio have about 6,000 landings remaining , ensuring their continued employment .
13 With the latest single , ‘ Until You Find Out ’ ( which is typically raucous and sweetly nasty affair and their last release for Chapter 22 before signing a distribution deal with CBS ) , the Neds could be posed for some real chart action .
14 With the latest single , ‘ Until You Find Out ’ ( which is typically raucous and sweetly nasty affair and their last release for Chapter 22 before signing a distribution deal with CBS ) , the Neds could be posed for some real chart action .
15 Richard , of course , had been preparing for some such move .
16 His eyes gleamed with what might have been taken for some inner illumination .
17 The Prince was sitting quietly there , his hands clasped , staring down at the table , so silent he could have been taken for some studious monk ; his robes , however , were splendid , his fingers covered in precious rings , and his hair and golden beard carefully combed and oiled .
18 Whilst I have said 2 years as the expected time to be collecting Community Charge I think this should be qualified with 2 years plus , with income being received for some considerable time thereafter especially through Sheriff Officers .
19 So they both were searching for some lost part of themselves this summer .
20 Answer guide : An opportunity cost is defined as the maximum benefit which could be obtained from a resource if it were used for some alternative purpose than the opportunity under consideration .
21 The Agia Triadha sarcophagus is invaluable in showing us the funeral ceremonies that were offered for some important person around 1400 BC .
22 Some parents even said they had been aware of being watched for some considerable time .
23 Growing cities were governed for some local government purposes by the county magistrates : an indignity that the prosperous entrepreneurs resented .
24 It was not that both sides were preparing for some future war to deter the other side .
25 When learners are called upon to use the language being learned for some communicative purpose , a purpose other than language practice , then they will be naturally disposed to draw upon the systemic resources which have proved serviceable in the past for the achievement of indexical meaning .
26 Mama was rehearsing , that was all ; but it should perhaps have been kept for some other time .
27 Their daughter , Shelagh , has moved to Belfast where she has a job in an office but her younger brother , Sean helps here and there on the farm while he is looking for some other work , sadly without too much hope , since there is already much unemployment in the towns .
28 Poor Pat already thinks he 's been raised from the dead and is destined for some great thing , to help Marcus to save the world ! ’
29 While your subconscious mind is searching for some final point to include in the margins , go on to the final stage .
30 This means that you are entitled to due attribution where the work is used for some commercial product , display or other purpose and that basically you have the right to object to modification , distortion or any form of derogatory promotion of your work , unless of course you have sanctioned it !
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