Example sentences of "[be] [verb] to and [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is little , if any , analysis of why particular attitudes and behaviours have developed , of the ways in which cultures are related to and continuously reinforced by the wider structural position of particular groups ; the ways in which cultures can be a rational response to the social position of groups at a particular time .
2 Does God 's making of himself known have any abiding content which can be articulated , or can it merely be pointed to and fleetingly glimpsed , but not retained ?
3 If getting out of my class now I 'm going to And then get indigestion .
4 How could minute quantities of an injected peptide be guided to and then enter the appropriate neuron so as to code for the new memory ?
5 Inquiries about the London Area Group can be sent to and please do n't forget an SAE for reply .
6 Perhaps we were going to and then decided
7 We were handed Turkish delights across the ward , and were read to and generally watched over as , I should think , the chief wife watched over the ladies of the harem .
8 But more , were one to accept the date given in the traditional account , one would also have to accept that in the space of something less than three years Molla Husrev was appointed to and then abandoned the posts to which he was appointed at the death of Hizir Bey , went to Bursa , built a medrese and taught there , and returned to Istanbul to accept the office of Mufti .
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