Example sentences of "[be] [verb] a [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 Our regulars come in , nod , put down a pound and are given a tumbler of the fizzing pick-me-up with no words being spoken .
2 If we are given a program of the form
3 During the Gulf crisis , we are seeing a comeback of the old colonial ‘ values ’ : the West has a ‘ moral duty ’ to resolve other nations ' problems ; Western ‘ civilisation ’ comes to the rescue of nations incapable of solving their own problems .
4 The rest are using a combination of the Visual User Environment window manager from Hewlett-Packard Co — 25% — Visix Software Inc 's Looking Glass — 20% — with the remaining 5% accounted for by the likes of Paris-based Non Standard Logics SA 's Wish and Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG 's management systems .
5 By reinterpreting these number pairs as points in the plane and connecting them with lines we are drawing a transformation of the original square .
6 I suppose I had been given a sense of the evil of cinema by my strict Methodist grandparents , who were visibly shocked when once I confessed that I had been to see a film on Sunday .
7 I read the other day a well praised first novel in which the narrator — who is both sexually inexperienced and an amateur of French literature — comically rehearses to himself the best way to kiss a girl without being rebuffed : ‘ With a slow , sensual , irresistible strength , draw her gradually towards you while gazing into her eyes as if you had just been given a copy of the first , suppressed edition of Madame Bovary . ’
8 Charles had been given a view of the plans some months before and had been appalled .
9 Three years after Guntram 's death , however , Childebert himself died , leaving two sons , Theudebert II ( 596 – 612 ) and Theuderic II ( 596 – 613 ) , of whom the former had already in 589 been given a sub-kingdom of the cities of Soissons and Meaux , at the request of some of the leading citizens — development pregnant with implications for the future .
10 Darren Young , 11 , has been prescribed a course of the antibiotic amoxycillin for an ear infection .
11 As part of our continuing review of quality systems , we are completing an evaluation of the way the new system has worked in the first year .
12 Thank goodness wine makers worldwide accept this fact and cheap , poor imitations are becoming a thing of the past .
13 Our traditional recruitment base , large factories , are becoming a thing of the past .
14 But Oxford United fan and author of Soccer Tribe , Desmond Morris believes the days of mass organised hooliganism are becoming a thing of the past .
15 One of these was held on Friday , 4th June , 1858 , the day after he had been nominated a member of the Select Committee , when the guests included Scott , Cockerell , Charles Barry , Digby Wyatt and Street .
16 The projects ' objectives are to provide an account of the social processes by which labour demands are generated , jobs formulated , personnel specifications developed and employees recruited and selected , and thus to increase our understanding of the ways in which people and jobs are matched in the labour market .
17 The initial objective of the ITE initiative had been to encourage a reorientation of the work supported by ITAB into avenues of relevance to the engineering community , using the existing committee structure as far as possible .
18 They had been delaying a statement of the Secretariat for Unity on religious liberty , which , at this stage , was intended to form part of the schema on ecumenism .
19 The aim of the first section had , he felt , been to provide an overview of the artist 's achievement and to outline the ‘ remarkable but always consistent ’ developments in his style .
20 Over a period of time , therefore , pupil exposed to different aspects of the microcomputer as an inform ; retrieval tool and are developing an awareness of the crucial between purpose and information .
21 Pro and anti-hunt demonstrators have been lobbying a meeting of the full council , where Labour is trying to rush through a ban .
22 He has also been named a director of the UK parent .
23 Meirion and Susie Harries are writing a biography of the great architectural compiler , which is due to be published in 1994 .
24 In Task 44 Extract 1 , for example , we might need to know the political opinions , or temperament , or personal involvement of the person for whom we are writing a report of the demonstration ; and in Extract 2 , a friend with whom we correspond might be nine or ninety , someone we saw last week , or someone we have not seen for decades .
25 I am chairing a meeting of the duchy council on 29 January and I plan to visit the county palatine on 7 March .
26 It is hard to say how directly the King reminded the Company that it was doing well because it had been granted a monopoly of the English market .
27 SCOTTISH farmers and landowners are seeking a review of the powerful legal rights vested in Scotland 's water authorities .
28 If we are seeking an explanation of the grounds of dependent conditionals , and one of these is given as a lawlike statement , we do indeed require an explanation of the nature of such a statement .
29 In Tables 1.1 and 1.2 are presented an outline of the major differences between the everyday and sociological explanations of phenomena .
30 One thousand babies later , in April 1919 , Edith Pye departed , one of very few women to have been made a chévalier of the Legion of Honour .
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