Example sentences of "[be] [verb] a [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the group of ardent rail enthusiasts are building a 46ft x 13ft replica of Biggleswade station , Bedfordshire .
2 ‘ We are building a team at Hillsborough which will be challenging for all the honours in the game .
3 The Italians are building a series of barriers at its three inlets to protect the city during a storm .
4 I suppose I had been given a sense of the evil of cinema by my strict Methodist grandparents , who were visibly shocked when once I confessed that I had been to see a film on Sunday .
5 THE NEW generation of personal computers that plug into company computer-networks are proving a boon to computer spies .
6 In all these versions the family is seen as having a direct relationship with the wider society , being that social form within which people are assigned a place in society and where they internalise the values of that place and which shapes sexual attitudes to conform to wider social needs .
7 All function words in this list are assigned an index of zero , to indicate their lack of semantic content and hence non-participation in the overlap process .
8 Gould had only a couple of weeks to spare here ( he had been delayed a week in Maitland on the lower reaches of the Hunter while he waited to meet up with Stephen Coxen ) , having promised Eliza to forsake his desire to continue collecting , and to return in time for the delivery of their child .
9 The advocates of equality , as well as those more concerned with other goals , are given a cue for reflection on the inequalities of equalization .
10 Final-year students undertake design projects using CAD , prepare a research thesis in a topic of their choice , and are given a choice of specialisations including Geotechnics , Structures , Hydraulics , Environmental Engineering , Transportation , Fire Safety Engineering , Pollution Control , Fire Hazards to the Environment and Energy Resources .
11 Outside diners are given a choice of fish or meat main course when they book , and sit at smaller tables around the antique-filled dining room .
12 Unfortunately for the newcomer , the parts are given a variety of names which frequently creates confusion , so we had better start by clarifying the variations .
13 If objectives from the higher categories of Bloom 's taxonomy are included , where students are asked to make judgements , to criticise and evaluate ; and if students are given a range of objectives from which they may make their own choices and even , at the later stages of training , are encouraged to write their own , then this will go a long way to meeting this criticism .
14 If they are given a vote of confidence this season it could bring dividends .
15 If subjects are given a list of words , words with serial positions early in the list are more likely to be recalled than those further towards the middle of the list .
16 The children are given a period of time , possibly sixty seconds , to look at the items .
17 We are given a picture of death , the death of Pip 's real chance for ever finding contentment , and he sees that it is going to be a long , hard struggle back to finding happiness in life , it is a test of Pip 's strength of character .
18 On Day 1 , Groups L and M are given a number of sessions on the pebble floor without food ; Group N has the same number of sessions , but with food , and therefore learns the distinction .
19 Dissatisfied parents are given a right of appeal to a specially constituted appeal committee and from there to the sheriff .
20 If you are given a box of chocolates they should not represent ruin and damnation .
21 You are given an indication in brackets of the feeling or attitude expressed , and you must mark on the text the intonation you think is appropriate ( mark only the response ) .
22 Today we are seeing a system in decay , but surprisingly often we find stretches of road and track coinciding with the old alignments .
23 We are seeing a growth in neo-fascism and fascist groups throughout Europe , particularly in Germany , Austria and France .
24 ‘ We are seeing a pilgrimage of hypocrisy , ’ he said .
25 Well many of the traditions nowadays , even the male orientated ones are depending a lot on women to upho hold them .
26 If you are using a lot of roses in your pressed flower pictures , you may find it worthwhile making up a small stock of finished roses in different colours to save time when you are in an inspired mood and want to concentrate on a design rather than the various techniques involved .
27 If you are using a lot of abbreviations in a document keep a note of them beside the keyboard as you can easily produce a lot of nonsense if you accidentally use the wrong abbreviation .
28 When you are using a set of materials in the classroom , the important thing is that it should be the right length :
29 Woodturning Supplies are a new company who are producing a range of lathe accessories at competitive prices .
30 There have been the predictable complaints that people increasingly prefer to watch than to play , that we are producing a generation of armchair athletes .
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