Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adv prt] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ UNREALISTIC ’ bids for building contracts are holding back recovery in the construction industry , it was claimed today .
2 Right , yes , I can , problems and queries , paperwork , customer are sending out paperwork at the end of the day , and like faxing the appointments , contracts , fill out the appointments forms , etcetera , so you 've got all these bits done .
3 An advertisement appeared in the Scotsman drawing attention to the sale of " the whole valuable stock of letter-press and printing materials belonging to the Caledonian Press , who are giving up business with the premises No. 31 Hanover Street " .
4 The pessimists feared the Conservatives ' nine seats could even be wiped out north of the border .
5 But none of them will be giving up hope of the £102,000 top prize — and nor will Nick Faldo on 12 under and Seve Ballesteros on 11 under .
6 Objections to the proposals essentially turn on the terms under which any devolution would take place , and the question of the competence and reliability of the organisations which would be taking on responsibility for the sites .
7 He was shut away in sanctuary with the female members of his family , whilst the king his brother and , as he told himself , every other male of importance in the realm , would shortly be taking up residence in the Tower .
8 The most likely outcome of such action would be to speed up privatisation of the service , since the Government could hardly empty the jails , and somebody would have to supervise the inmates .
9 The NCC says that , ‘ unnecessary inputs of fertilisers and pesticides … can in the long run be storing up trouble for the future … ’
10 Although retiring from office this year , warden Frank Wood will be carrying on responsibility for the general overseeing of the buildings and the Church Centre .
11 More action will be taken on enforcement under the rules and laws set out .
12 We agree that care should be taken over terminology in the interpretation of fluoroscein angiograms but contend that the use here was accurate .
13 Tonight we 're going to take a look at two aspects of education and I have with me Stephen Ball , who 's been carrying out research into the different between streamed and mixed ability classes in comprehensive schools , and Sandy Grassy , who co-ordinates the many links between the science side of the university and schools .
14 Savage penalties were meted out broadcast to the craftsmen , which suggests both a low status in the eyes of the king and a low standard of honesty .
15 In the Euro-elections of June 1989 the Tories were wiped out north of the border .
16 This time around it looks like being a more permanent fixture , despite him being called up Strain-style for the firsts in recent weeks .
17 At the time a number of instrumented buoys were moored along the equator and were sending back information about the wind and sea conditions .
18 ‘ The DUC operated as a kind of umbrella organization and there was a little group in all the different localities where uranium prospecting was going on … and each of these groups had their own little committee of two or three people who were feeding back information to the DUC and it was a real grassroots organization then . ’
19 Ambassador Lipski had begun to complain to Göring that German newspapers like Der Stürmer and Der Gessilige from Pila were stirring up resentment against the Poles throughout the border districts by referring to the forcible separation of Danzig from the Reich , and by referring to the Polish Corridor as land ceded to Poland .
20 The Clouds are of immense importance to astronomers , and it is partly for this reason that many of the great new telescopes are being set up south of the equator , where the Clouds are accessible .
21 What a sickening feast of hypocrisy we were served up courtesy of the Freddie Mercury Tribute .
22 If you are setting up LIFESPAN for the first time , you should follow the procedures in the order given to ensure a trouble-free installation .
23 Jesus , he 's sucking in air at the back and wuffing it out at the front .
24 So to find out how much you pay for , how much actual energy has been used up , you think it , again going back to the water , if we have a big tank full of water and we 're using it up , this time in terms of power , erm if we have something that 's using up water at the rate of say six gallons a minute and someone 's going to charge you for your water .
25 AN MP is keeping up pressure on the Government to improve East Anglia 's coastal defences after last month 's surge tide which resulted in widespread flooding .
26 A HAMBLETON businessman is to set up shop outside the area after allegedly being given a rough ride by the district council .
27 Norway 's most eloquent campaigner against the Community is Anne Enger Lahnstein , leader of the Centre Party , which , like the anti-EC Socialist Left Party , is picking up support at the expense of Labour , which forms the minority government .
28 Though he 's handed down management of the firm to his daughter Margaret , Cyril still spends each morning making sandwiches at the back of the shop … then it 's off to the bakery in nearby Wanborough in the afternoon .
29 Another idea is to stir up cornflour with the juice from raspberries or blackberries and boil it , stirring all the time until thick .
30 Of course , all this is doing is storing up trouble for the subsequent financial year ; nevertheless , the financial control through the budget is effectively lost .
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