Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [to-vb] over the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Hi I 'll just just show you what er well Kerry 'll 'll show you she knows what er what we 're what you 're going to do over the next day or so do n't you .
2 These these are a measure are n't they they 're a measure of the quality of what we 're going to do over the next two days and therefore I will come back to these tomorrow afternoon I will check through them and if everybody can say yes yes I 'm satisfied with that then we 've achieved what we set out to achieve today .
3 Okay then let me just by way of er introduction er to the concepts and the content of what we 're going to do over the next two days let me just put a very small fraction of a picture up here .
4 Many of your values , ideas and attitudes are set to change over the next twelve months .
5 That the four lead artists got on so well with each other was a distinct advantage in coping with the pressurised working schedules they were expected to maintain over the next year .
6 Several more products are planned to follow over the next 18 months , including software engineering tools .
7 Several more products are planned to follow over the next 18 months , including software engineering tools , ( CI No 1,846 ) .
8 At present , about one in five children is in full-time higher education and this number is expected to double over the next 25 years .
9 The number of cars on our roads is expected to double over the next thirty years .
10 Four more applications were received yesterday and the total of 15 is expected to increase over the next day or two .
11 Apart from the UK and Scandinavian countries , penetration is still low in Europe , but this is expected to change over the next few years as telecommunications markets are opened up .
12 For instance there is electronic software distribution , an area that Legent reckons is set to explode over the next five years .
13 As the EADT reported last month , the number of fundholders in Essex is set to soar over the next year .
14 80,000 ft of purpose built warehousing for goods in transit is ready for occupation and this replacement programme is planned to continue over the next few years .
15 The pace of investment is planned to increase over the next five years with over £50 million of expenditure planned in new and improved port facilities and associated infrastructure .
16 But the guy said well ninety percent of this has got to be spent on a small proportion of the works which we are required to do over the next decade .
17 He knew the cruelty she was going to witness over the next three months would be agony for her because , for some reason , she trusted animals far more than humans , but , like a nurse looking after animals in a vivisection clinic , he could n't prevent her pain , only alleviate it as much as possible .
18 Lastly , the number of potential first-time buyers in their 20s was set to fall over the next two decades , reducing demand for homes .
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