Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [subord] [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 In addition , although they are almost blind the Harpies are scared of bright lights and fire in particular ; they are treated as being subject to fear of any magical effect that involves large amounts of light or fire ( such as a Fire Ball ) in addition to the spell 's more usual effects .
2 The two specific areas which are currently under consideration are Sentence Planning and Pre-release Programmes and SCOTVEC modules are seen as being central to these initiatives .
3 These groupings have TEED ( the Employment Department 's Training , Enterprise and Education Directorate ) approval as VQs , and are accepted as being equivalent to NVQs at levels 1 , 2 and 3 .
4 In the United States of America the validity of ‘ Son-of-Sam ’ legislation has been challenged as being contrary to the Constitution and Federal copyright legislation .
5 For when a religion is put into a position where its , albeit necessary , business activities appear in the eyes of its followers , to be outweighing in importance its original purpose , it ceases to be of the slightest use in so far as it is able to fulfil one of its most important reasons for existence , that is , to provide a satisfactory code of behaviour to be observed in that area of human conduct which can be considered as being subject to moral law .
6 Nevertheless , the questions themselves , at this stage , will be the main focus , and also at this stage we might allow more questions to be included than are likely to be used at the final stage .
7 My term can be seen as being analogous to the propensity to unproductive consumption , but this is not the same as the Keynesian propensity to consume .
8 The prospects for establishing bad faith are very limited however , given that virtually any policy that is premised on increasing profits but which will be damaging to employees , such as a plant closure , can be portrayed as being beneficial to the employees in general , for example by making other jobs in the company more secure , thus supporting the claim that employee interests have been sufficiently considered .
9 All human behaviour may be characterised as being subject to drives aimed at achieving a goal in order to satisfy a need .
10 Speakers also justify themselves to those who might be perceived as being similar to the self .
11 If so , a click pre-exposed in compound with a light will be perceived as being identical to the click presented alone , and compound pre-exposure will thus be perfectly effective in producing latent inhibition .
12 The two men dismissed were regarded as being close to Moslem fundamentalist circles .
13 These effects will presumably operate both on unique features of the stimulus and also on those features that , for untrained subjects , are perceived as being common to both stimuli .
14 In Chila Burman 's self portraits , the body of the Asian woman is located as being irreducible to simplistic and one-dimensional racist stereotyping , whilst simultaneously challenging the idea of an essential racial and gender identity outside representation .
15 However , dementia is seen as being specific to the elderly age groups .
16 The knowledge world is seen as being equivalent to a population , and the spread of an idea through that population is described as following the same pattern as the spread of an infectious disease through that population .
17 Accordingly , the suggestion in the Arrangements document of ‘ an appropriate balance of whole class teaching , group activities … and individual work ’ ( 4.5 ) is acknowledged as being conducive to the formation of the correct setting so necessary in teenage religious education .
18 Where the movement is confirmed as being due to the influence of tree roots or vegetation , effective action should be taken against them .
19 Indeed , to the extent that X is perceived as being similar to Y ( i.e. to the extent that these events hold elements in common ) , the acquired equivalence mechanism will operate , with these common elements ( the z elements ) mediating generalization from A to B.
20 Far from being illicit and sub rosa , these practices and mechanisms are heralded as being essential to the ‘ norms ’ which make relations between socialist countries ‘ organic ’ and ‘ of a new type ’ .
21 The claim that : ‘ the shorter the sentence is , the better ’ , was regarded as being open to misinterpretation , and should be rephrased .
22 In 1990 , a cluster of increased incidences of leukaemia in young children around Sellafield nuclear power plant in north-west England was explained as being due to reproductive cells in fathers being exposed occupationally to a radiation total dose of over 100 mSv ( Gardner et al. , 1990 ) .
23 Burmin 's EIA was reported as being due to be completed in July 1990 .
24 It was seen as being opposed to liberalism , as opposed to nationalism and perhaps there were , there were er , there were , there were good reasons er for that .
25 Positive reinforcement was seen as being due to the presentation of ‘ satisfiers ’ but that is , of course , completely circular without being able to predict in advance what will satisfy an animal .
26 A whole series of arguments against correctionalism can be discerned , originating from various sources , but all gaining impetus in the 1960s and early 1970s : the corrective stance was seen as being inappropriate to an academic discipline in that its partiality had the effect of distorting the nature and appearance of the phenomena it was studying ; it was seen as neglecting the possibility that crime may have positive qualities and consequences ; correctionalism was seen as having led to the violation of fundamental human rights and principles of justice in its single-minded quest for efficient crime control .
27 Initially a pitch of a ♯ = 408 was chosen as being close to the Bate Collection 's recorders of the period : at this pitch it sounds fine but one could easily allow that the original use of the instrument might have been at a higher pitch than this .
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