Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [art] [noun sg] [prep] another " in BNC.

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1 The girl had been seeing a lot of another young man , an estate agent called Jose , and that association continued after the marriage — long after !
2 Even if you are replacing a basin with another in the same position , it is unlikely that you will be able to use the existing tap connectors .
3 Peter Cole , chairman of Bramshill Parish Council , in whose bailiwick the town would have fallen , said : ‘ I might have an extra beer today , but I am saving the champagne for another 21 days .
4 Still to come tonight , the British ducks that face being shot because they 're endangering the survival of another species .
5 MERCY death doctor Nigel Cox has been offered a job at another hospital .
6 We have been promised a visit to another great showpiece in Peking — the Summer Palace built by the Dowager Empress last century from money she misappropriated from the naval funds ( so they tell us ) .
7 Meanwhile , Arsenal and Aston Villa are leading the chase for another teenage prospect attracting rave reviews in the lower divisions — Walsall full-back Richard Knight .
8 The court heard that PC Whitehouse had been questioning the driver of another red Ford car when the Sierra came speeding round the corner .
9 I think by this time they must be dreading the thought of another signal from the Ariadne .
10 However , Cameron 's companion Kathryn Bigelow will not now be directing the film of another Gibson short , New Rose Hotel .
11 The 1977–81 material is thought to be essentially complete , except for the exclusion of 12% who had a previous history of malignancy or had undergone gastric surgery or who were given the drug for another diagnosis than a peptic ulcer related disease .
12 That Aethelheard 's flight was not generally seen as discreditable is clear from Leo III 's subsequent praise of him for endangering his life against ‘ Julian the Apostate ’ , as the pope described Eadberht , but Alcuin gave Aethelheard no such credit and remained highly critical of him for allegedly neglecting his Christian duty and it is possible that in his absence the Kentish leaders were considering the election of another archbishop .
13 Now I would not want to live in a country where my ex-wife and I were denied the right to another chance . ’
14 His entire focus is to see the city through another human being .
15 To pass beyond it is to cross the threshold into another dimension which , for all its pragmatic gifts to the West over the centuries , remains as mysteriously little-known to us now as it was for the first explorers .
16 Against this version of criticism of law is set a vision of another mechanism of dispute resolution which is cosy and friendly , in which there are no winners and losers .
17 *Diversion of water is threatening the life of another Soviet sea : Agriculture and industry are preventing around 30 per cent of annual fresh water supply from reaching the Sea of Azov .
18 The trap to be avoided here is to turn the exercise into another source of demand by forcing yourself to go faster every day , swearing that you are going to beat your partner next time , or overdoing it with the weights .
19 A further way of treating an article about an exhibition is to make a comparison with another artist .
20 Christina felt herself relaxing with Elaine , and was enjoying the company of another female for the first time in weeks .
21 Arbroath abbey was to provide the setting for another nationalistic upsurge in our own century .
22 He was a very good teacher of theology , but it was not long before we discovered that he had a dreadful fear that the depression that was sweeping Europe , as well as this country , was becoming the cause of another even worse war .
23 And now he was offered a professorship at another university .
24 The Conservative Party was celebrating the election of another administration .
25 There were no jobs advertised locally so she wrote a letter to the head librarian , sending her C V. There were still no jobs available , so Susan offered her services voluntarily when the library was moving a section to another part of the building .
26 On the shore one of the men was tying a rope to another tree .
27 ‘ For a start , we 've learnt Nicola was having an affair with another man . ’
28 Rather , it was as if he was having an affair with another girl , and had quarrelled with her .
29 I found out that he was having an affaire with another woman .
30 Lester had just made the Beatles film A Hard Day 's Night and was to follow The Knack with another Fab Four production , Help !
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